
Saturday 18 June 2011

Graf_Chokolo Needs Our Help

Well known hacker Graf_Chokolo seems to be in trouble. He is having trouble funding his court fees and is ready to face the consequences.

This is what he said last on his blog:

Quote Originally Posted by Graf_Chokolo on June 17th,2011 at 7:38 p.m.
Hi guys, no money left anymore. Going to jail soon probably because i cannot pay court costs.
But i’m ready to stand up for everything i said and go to jail for that too. It’s not important to win, more important is to show them that we are ready to fight, that they cannot scare me off easily. Yeah, i’m ready to go to jail for my believes and my principles.
Most of people probably think that all computer and kernel hackers are weak kids, hiding in a cellar, eating pizza whole day, writing software and looking for attention :-) Maybe, but that’s NOT me. And i will get out eventually and continue my work. My work means very much to me.
No matter what happens, he will always he remembered for the numerous contributions he had given to the ps3 scene.

If incase any of you wish to help out Graf, then you are welcome to give him a donation in his paypal account: DONATE

Quote Originally Posted by Graf_chokolo
And to answer your question “What happens with the remaining money ?”, i intend to give it to CCC club so the club could help other guys like me which get sued by SONY or give it all to some charity organization. I give you my word on that and you know that i keep my word.
To get more info about the donation please visit this blog: Graf's Blog.

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