
Sunday 29 January 2012

‘Jailbreaking is Not a Crime’ – Bunnie and EFF Letter

Andrew (bunnie) Huang (to people who were around during the Xbox1 days, I don’t have to tell who he is …) and the Electronic Frontier Foundation posted an open letter you can sign to the (US) Copyright Office to renew the DMCA jailbreak-exemption for smartphones (which will expire soon) and extend it to all electronic ‘gadgets’ (like tablets, and … videogame consoles):
You bought it. You own it. Tell the Copyright Office: let me install whatever software I want on my phone, tablet, or video game system.
Dear Ms. Pallante,
Whether it’s patching a security vulnerability or homebrewing video games and apps, people who own smart phones, tablets, and video game systems are finding inventive ways to use and improve their devices. Often users need to gain full administrative access, through a process known as “jailbreaking,” to innovate and take advantage of the device’s full potential.
But right now, jailbreaking a device can lead to legal threats. That’s a vulnerability in the law: we need you to create a “patch” so users who jailbreak devices won’t be at legal risk.
Three years ago, the Copyright Office agreed to create an exemption to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act so that folks could jailbreak their smartphones. But that exemption is about to expire. We need you to renew that exemption and expand it to cover jailbreaking gadgets with similar computation potential. These are all siblings to the PC, yet unlocking their potential as versatile and powerful computers is burdened with legal murkiness.
We need these exemptions to conduct security research on devices to help safeguard everyday users from security threats. Furthermore, users of these products benefit from the flexibility to choose their own operating systems and run independently developed software. We need the law to catch up with how people are using technology.
Jailbreaking is helping to make technology better, more secure, and more flexible. Please defend the rights of users.
Thanks for enabling us to keep technology innovative, secure, and focused on the users.[/QUOTE]
If you agree, sign the letter over at: jailbreakingisnotacrime.org

Xaio360 – All in One Flasher/Glitcher/JTAG Chip

The Rebug team, know from the ps3 scene, officially unveiled their all-in-one RGH Xbox360 chip onxaio360.com:
? Opensource Firmware
? JTAG Programming of onboard Xilinx via USB (No external programmer needed)
? SPI Progamming of Xbox360 NAND via USB (No external programmer needed)
? Fast swap between SPI and JTAG modes with a press of a button
? External Oscillator (Wiring to HANA is no longer required)
? Firmware upgradable for future XAIO 360 updates (No external programmer needed)
? 100% Compatible with NAND Pro v2.x (3.0 is NOT supported!)
? Compatible with all Xbox360 models (Except Xenon and Corona boards)
? Booting of unsigned code on Xbox360
? Compatible with all Xbox360 kernel versions
? Glitching of all compatible Xbox360 models is usually within 3-25sec
? Easy 7 wire SPI installation for both PHAT and SLIM
? Easy 5 wire RGH installation for PHAT, 6 wires for SLIM
? Works as 6 wire JTAG-Interface using UrJTAG software (4 signals + power (TDI, TMS, TCK, TDO, VCC, GND)
*Required patched version of UrJTAG will be downloadable from our website.
? Compact size of 47mm x 32mm (1.84″ x 1.28″)
Official Site: http://xaio360.com

360 Content Manager v2.2

Xamphear released a new version of 360 Content Manager for JTAG & RGH 360s:
What This App Does:
* Browse 360 files on your PC by their real info, like game name and package title.
* Unlock XBLA, DLC and Avatar files downloaded from Xbox Live.
* Upload files (XBLA, DLC, GOD, Avatar, Title Update) to your console over FTP with a single click. Files are automatically uploaded to the right folders.
* Drag and drop files to other applications, if you’d prefer to use your own FTP client.
* Organize a messy folder of downloaded content into 1 of many different directory styles. Restore the original filenames for XBLA and DLC files.
* View the MediaID of Title Updates and GODs so you can match them, and search JQE and XBUC for matching TUs.
* View the MediaID of ISO files. (Requires abgx360)
* View the MediaID of default.xex files.
* Browse your 360′s hard drive directly, using FSD. This allows you to delete, unlock, edit and copy the contents of the 360′s internal drive over the network.
What’s new/fixed:
Bug fixed in Content Organizer, GODs are properly moved between drives
now. Managing content on the 360 itself has been streamlined, drive
mapping is preformed automatically. FSD version 2.2 or higher is HIGHLY
recommended when using this feature. Preview added to the Content
Organizer so you can see the new folder each file will be placed in.
All of the options in the Content Organizer are saved between uses now.
The Library Scan feature has been removed. Date Modified column added.
Fixed bug in uploading when using xFTPdll. Uploading game saves is now
supported, saves are sent over FTP to the proper profile folder location.
Fixed crashing in XP when “File Exists” dialog is displayed. Added wizard
to walk new users through common uses of the program. Disable it and you
will not see it again.
Official Site: n/a, by Xamphear
Download/More Info: here

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Microsoft To Phase Out Points

For years now Microsoft have been using a point system to purchase content, some of you may not know this but these points have been used across various Microsoft products, not just the Xbox 360. Some considered the Microsoft point system as a good idea, yet despite this many found the cash account system featured on Sony’sPlayStation Network and Apple's App Store much more convenient. As a result of this, rumours have emerged recently that Microsoft might be slowly phasing out the point system used to purchase content.
The Inside Mobile App originally reported on this and suggested that the point system was becoming outdated and users much preferred the standard pay by card method used worldwide. Furthermore the reports suggest that Microsoft will get rid of these points by the end of the year, and just to make this rumour slightly more solid, Microsoft refuse to comment on the situation.
Let me know your thoughts.

BoxZii Module 2 Released and shipped to reserves and resellers

The BoxZii Team released ‘Module 2′ of their ODD Emulator:

Module 2 : External Full Colour 2’2″ TFT Touchscreen panel for USB HDD/Pendrive (No PC required)
* Full Colour 2’2″ TFT Touchscreen
* Full Colour touchscreen coverflow iso/config selection system
* 3Ports HUB included for USB HDD/Pendrive (No EXTRA Hub cost)
* NTFS Filesystem supported
* USB / SD upgrades for Actel and Microcontroller system
* External SD socket (No needed disassembly if SD card replacement required)
* Full clean installation / Place the module 2 whereever you want
* Easy Installation/Just need plug USB cable from Boxzii Module 1

Official Site: http://www.boxzii.com

Thursday 19 January 2012

Trials: Evolution Gameplay Vid...Flippy Goodness

The new video for the sequel to the uber-hard Trials HD shows off the environments.
Trials: Evolution promises more of the same, which is a good thing considering how successful Trials HD was, but on the other hand developers RedLynx are also expanding the experience considerably. Instead of being stuck in a dark warehouse, the entire game is set in outdoor environments. On the other hand, you can use the level editor to go back into the dark warehouse if that's your thing.
The video also shows the multiplayer gameplay where you're racing and doing tricks alongside your competitors and shows off the new racing environments: battlefields with exploding ordinance going off around you, cliffs collapsing beneath you...you get the idea. It just looks great.
Trials: Evolution has no release date yet, but it will be out on XBLA sometime this year.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

Xbox360 Games Easy Updater v3.0 for Linux - v2.0 for Windows

Xbox360 Games Easy Updater v3.0 for Linux - v2.0 for Windows
>> From redsquirrel87.com:
What's it?
It's a simple Linux/Windows tool to search for and download updates for your XBOX360 games directly from your PC (no need of XBOX Live!))
You have simply to select one or more XBOX360 ISOs and the program automatically will get the Media-ID (using ABGX) and will search for the latest available update on the online database of xbuc.net. Then you'll can download it directly using this program, so without the need to open any internet browser or external programs.

What's new/fixed (v3.0 - Linux ONLY):
* Completely rewritten the layout of the GUI (again)
* Now the program's window is resizable so it can fit any screen resolution
* Moved all controls from buttons into menus
* Added keyboard shortcuts to the most important commands
* Now the program saves the settings (input/output folder and modes) and automatically reload them at next startup
* New dependency for the program: gambas2-gb-settings

What's new/fixed (v2.0 - both Windows and Linux):
* Completely rewritten the layout of the GUI
* Now the program will not close automatically
* Batch support: you can now work with more than just one ISO
* Two new options available:
-Silent Mode that performs all operations without asking for user confirmations
-Rename all Mode that prevents overwriting files which are named in the same way

Official Site: http://www.redsquirrel87.com
Download Linux v3.0: here
Download Windows v2.0: here
Discuss this news item on our forums: forums.xbox-scene.com

Monday 16 January 2012

JungleFlasher v0.1.92 beta (304)

As always with a new C4E iXtreme release (LT+ v3.0 SLIM Lite-On), Team Jungle comes with a new version of JungleFlasher to add full support for the new firmwares.
What’s new/fixed:
* Support for LT Plus 3.0
-Lite-on Slim 0272, 0225, 0401, 1071
Official Site: http://www.jungleflasher.net
Download: here

iXtreme LT+ v3.0 Released For Slim Liteon DG-16D4S Drives

As promised, c4eva has released iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Liteon DG-16D4S drives. In other words, if you have a Slim that's rocking a Liteon 0272, 0225, 0401 or 1071 drive, there's a firmware waiting to be flashed to your console. Hitachi and Liteon DG-16D5S "1175" drive users are not out of luck either as development is currently in progress for the remaining 5 drives in the bunch. iXtreme LT+ v3.0 has support for AP25 topology data which allows you to correctly answer any AP25 challenge regardless of how many times the responses are changed. In order to take advantage, you will have to patch your game via Xbox Backup Creator ( or abgx360. (v1.0.6 or above) You can check the games that need patching here As always, an accompanying Jungleflasher has been released with support for the new firmware files. You can pick all of that up below.

Thursday 12 January 2012

xk3y Bans Start Going Out

If you are the proud owner of a xk3y ODDE, you would ought to know that Microsoft has started to ban users of the device. One unlucky user has posted a video of his setup and of the Xbox receiving the ban message. The video has since been removed but the message has been made clear.
Other ODDEs such as the Wasabi360 and the BoxZii are not out of hot water as they are also detectable. However, there has not been any reports of them being the cause of a console ban as of yet. To those using any of these ODDE devices, you might want to take the necessary precautions to avoid a ban. (That's if you care about Xbox Live. If not, carry on with your lives.)
The xk3y team has not released a statement regarding the ban waves.
Source: Team Xecuter

Wednesday 11 January 2012

As if iXtreme LT+ v3.0 for Slim Liteons entering testing wasn't enough news for the weekend, c4eva has made it known that the 0800 drive firmware will be making its way to the Slim Liteon drives. Unfortunately, there will be no soup for Liteon DG-16D5S users. Whether you're packing two Slims, a Phat and a Slim or just have a Liteon drive lying around, you can take advantage in some way or another.
c4eva has not mentioned of any changes pertinent to Slim drives or when it will be complete. At least now that you know that a 0800 firmware is on the way, you can take apart your Slim, get a Slim and then take it apart or find a replacement drive online. (Yeah, let's go with that one)
You can check out the source to follow up on the scene action revolving around the iXtreme firmware development.
Source: c4eva Speaks