
Monday 22 March 2010

Iso2God v1.2.2

Changelog for v1.2.2:
  • New settings for padding removal mode and FTP port.
  • Low disk space confirmation replaced with status bar notification.
  • Fix for FTP upload progress.
  • Fix for FTP connection issue.
Changelog for v1.2.1:
  • Right-click menu for conversion queue to allow for edit, removal and reset of FTP upload status.
  • Fix for minor bug in GOD container header. [Thanks Rab]
Changelog for v1.2.0:
  • FTP support to automatically transfer GODs to 360 HD.
  • GODs given unique names so multi-disc titles can now be converted.
  • Option to automatically rename multi-disc titles. Eg: “ Disc 1″
  • ISO conversions can now be edited by double clicking the entry in the queue.
  • Free disk space check.
  • Fix for bugs in GOD conversion code that caused games to fail. (See notes)
  • More details added to conversion queue.
  • Minor tweaks to the GUI.


Dash Launch v0.01 Release

Team XeDev released this first version of Dash Launch, which will allow you to boot your Xbox360 directly into homebrew software:

what it does:
waits for bootanim to finish, then launches a con (you don’t see NXE dash)
currently launch.xex is built to launch xexmenu con at

-put launch.xex in the root of your hard drive’s content partition
-add the included patches to freeboot/xbr patchset (there is a bonus in there for those who don’t have it)

xex source is included, in it’s current form it does the minimal amount of work to launch the con if it’s not present it should fail to dash with “could not load” error message.
I’ll get a more detailed tutorial up shorty and release a modified launch.xex that’s a bit more flexible.


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