
Wednesday 29 September 2010

Strong Progress Being Made Towards 3.01 3.10 3.15 PSFreedom Ports

According to KaKaRoTo’s blog, he is making great strides on porting psfreedom to other firmwares. He recently acquired his own PS3 hardware which was loaded with 3.01 firmware. Four days later, and he was able to dump his 3.01 lv2! Getting a lv2 dump is the first major hurdle to porting psfreedom to another firmware. He goes on to describe where he will go from here, “All that remains is to find the right offsets to patch, and port PSFreedom to 3.01″ What this means is its only a matter of time before we will have a 3.01 psfreedom port! He goes on to say that once he does port it to 3.01 he will proceed to port it to 3.10 and 3.15! A complete quote from KaKaRoTo after the jump.


I’ll announce two things, first, let’s talk about PL3.. PL3 is a new project I started in order to have a common repository of payloads that can be used by any ‘jailbreak’ implementation. I got tired of copying payloads from PSGroove, and I had some nice changes in mine that I thought the PSGroove project could benefit from, so I thought I’d create a single repository that both projects, PSFreedom and PSGroove (or any other similar projects) could use.

You can find it in github, so don’t hesitate to submodule it and use it.

Second important news… I’ve bought a new PS3 just for homebrew. Thanks to all who donated money so I can buy it (I didn’t get enough donations to pay for it, but enough to help me). I bought this PS3 used and it came with firmware 3.01! This is good and bad news : I can’t use PSFreedom to jailbreak it, so i’ve put on hold any improvements for it, however, it will allow me to actually port PSFreedom to older firmwares! My plan is to get the jailbreak working on 3.01, then move on to 3.10 and 3.15 (depending on how hard it is, i might skip 3.10).

Another good news is that after 4 days of work, I was finally able to dump the LV2 memory from the 3.01 firmware, and now all that remains is to find the right offsets to patch, and port PSFreedom to 3.01, so all those who are still using this firmware version, you will soon be able to jailbreak it! Once I’m done with that, I’ll try to do the same with the 3.10/3.15 firmware versions!

To dump LV2, I used a trick and algorithms found by marcan42, so big thanks goes to him, as well as many other people who helped me out, RichDevX and Aaron in particular. I used RichDevX’s idea of ignoring the JIG and bruteforcing the address in which the port1 descriptor gets stored until I get a hit, then use that payload to dump lv2, then find the right JIG offset for that particular firmware from the dump. Marcan’s trick was to send the data through the ethernet cable by using LV1 only hypercalls, and it worked!

Now the latest git version of PL3 has a new ‘dump_lv2′ payload which you can use, it is firmware independent, and only uses LV1 hypercalls, so it should just work… It will dump all the lv2 memory through ethernet, so fire up wireshark, save the dump to a .pcap file, and use the tool in PL3/tools to extract the memory dump from the .pcap file.

In other news, I will soon upload to Ps3utils an .idc script that will search and find the syscall table, and correctly resolve all of its functions and name them properly.. maybe even have it automatically find all functions of a dump in order to save time creating procs in IDA. I’ll let you know once I’m done with it.



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