
Saturday 19 February 2011

[Release] Custom PS3 Boot Logo Creator

Over at PSX-Scene i have released tools to make custom PS3 boot Logos.
Here is my tool to help you make your custom PS3 boot logos.
For examples: (thx to mrmuppet and me)
You will need:
Photoshop (To create your Boot Logo)
Photosho DDS plugin (To allow you to edit the Logo)
The attached Boot Logo Creator
Basic Instructions:
Install Photoshop
Install the DDS Plugin NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop (Normal/Cube Maps, DDS)
Edit your DDS files
Run Coldboot Creator and follow the steps
Full Instructions:
1. After You have installed Photoshop and the dds plug-in you will need to open the dds files in the “Boot Logo’s (dds’s)” Folder. When you open the DDS click on “Load Using Default Sizes”

2. When you have created your desired logo you have to save it with these settings:

3. Repeat this for all 6 pictures Do Not resize the pictures
4. Run “Coldboot Creator.exe” and select “Step1″

5. You will need to convert you DDS files to GTF files, to do this Click “Convert Pictures” and follow the instructions.
6. When you have converted your pictures Browse to all the files it asks for:

7. Press Start and it should say Success, then close that window and click Step2
8. Follow the on screen instructions with pictures to compress the step1 file

9. Click step3
10. Browse to the required files and click finish to create the final Coldboot.

11. Copy the Coldboot. to /dev_flash/vsh/resource on your ps3 (You will need a way to write to flash eg. Asbestos or FreeFlash 3.55 compiled or dev_blind)
Do not change the size of the images There are no checks, if you change the size your coldboot will not work!
I have tested this on 3.55, it should work on 3.41 since the Coldboot. files are the same(Correct me if i’m wrong)
Thanks to:
eustolio for TUTORIAL: Edicion de Coldboot.raf – Crea tu Logo de Inicio
And everyone who has contributed to the PS3 scene

Thursday 17 February 2011

Sony Sending Out Warning Emails – Has The Ban Wave Already Started?

After reading several reports, spread across several PS3 Scene websites about bans and such, i decided to make this thread/news post, it seems that Sony has finally thrust down its hammer, on people accessing PSN, whilst using a Custom firmware or jailbreak device, it seems mainly allocated to those that are using F*ckPSN, the error code those whom have been banned have received is 8002A227

Now there seems to be some confusion over this error code, so to straighten it up, this code either means you are temporarily banned or permanently banned, the duration goes by the offence you have committed, here is a list of offences that could get you this error code:
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Doing or utilizing anything that gives the player a greater advantage than is intended for normal game play.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.

Impersonating another user

Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Verbal/Text Abuse
Offender was verbally abusive in some way, often including use of profanity, verbal threats or insults, or otherwise offensive or inappropriate language. This can be either via verbal or text comments.
Hate speech
Offender used hateful language that attacks or disparages a person or group, based on characteristics of a certain group, including (but not limited to) race/ethnicity, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
Contains personal information (phone numbers)
Offender revealed personal contact information about themselves in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Contains another person’s personal information
Offender revealed personal information about someone else in a public area, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or physical addresses.
Abuse of grief reporting function
Offender misused the grief reporting system by filing false reports against another user, or filing an excessive number of unverifiable or redundant reports in a brief amount of time.
Impersonating another user
Offender created an account with close similarity to an existing user, with perceived intentions to impersonate the other user without their consent.
Offender excessively posted the same word or phrase, or gibberish to the annoyance of others.


Offender encouraged other users to commit inappropriate or illegal acts in game or the real world.

Sexual harassment

Offender made sexually implied or explicit comments or performed actions that had definite sexual overtones, whether welcomed or not.
Account scamming
Offender tried to persuade another user to share account information, including but not limited to logins, passwords, bank accounts, credit card information, etc. by any means possible.
Impersonating a SCEA representative
Offender made comments or created an account ID that could cause other users to believe that they were a SCEA representative or have similar authority.
Child Protection
Offender made comments, sent PMs (Private Messages), or created an ID relating to inappropriate behavior toward children, including physical or sexual abuse and pornography.
Inappropriate Online ID
Offender created an ID that was deemed inappropriate in some way, including but not limited to containing profanity, sexual references, or hate speech language.
Offensive Images or Audio
Offender posted images or broadcasted audio that contained obscenities, profanity, or was otherwise in violation of the PSN Terms of Service.
Team Killing
Offender killed his own team off in a multi-player network game.
Exploiting a Game Glitch
Exploiting any issue/environment, not intended to be accessible, to give oneself an unfair advantage in online play.
Cheat codes
Offender used a secret code to gain an advantage in game play.
Distributing Cheats
Offender shared or made public codes that give an advantage in game play.
Voice Communication Blocking
Offender purposely uses sound to disrupt voice chat for others.
Uploading Pornographic or Obscene Image
Offender either uploaded or created an offensive image either as part of a game or attached to a PM (Private Message).
Community Standards Abuse
An act that breaks the various agreements required to be accepted to access and use anything on the PlayStation®Network that is not defined by other offenses.
False Registration Information
Offender created an account with false information (email address, date of birth, name, address, etc.).
Reversal of charges
A console or account may be banned due to having a credit card charge reversed or “charge back” resulting in debt. A charge back can include credit card theft, identity theft, or non-approved use.
Share / Hijack Account
Sharing personal PSN account information in order to obtain access to another persons PSN account. Changing another persons email address, and/or password without their permission in order to gain and control access to an account. Offender attempted to use or take content they did not pay for.
A console and/or account may be banned if it is associated with fraudulent purchases. (Credit card theft, identity theft or non-approved use by family or friends).
Disrupting a Game
Offender was caught doing something that disrupts another user playing a mini-game.
You will find that i posted that exact code list here almost a year ago, so of course it wont include Jailbreak Devices/CFW/Piracy as a a reason, but looking at the list, you can be guaranteed that this reason will be added quite soon, so you decide if it is anything to be worried about.
On top of the code that people seem to be having, it also seems that many members of this forum and various others, have been receiving an email, against the use of such devices that could circumvent the PS3′s security, here is the said email, i copied it from one of my loyal twitter followers Irvysan
from PlayStation
reply-to PlayStation
to xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
date 16 February 2011 21:21
subject Important: Access to PlayStation Network and Access to Qriocity Services Notice
mailed-by sonyplaystn.bounce.ed10.net
Signed by emails.eu.playstation.com
Important: Access to the PlayStation(R)Network and Access to Qriocity(TM) Services Notice
Unauthorized circumvention devices for PlayStation(R)3 system have been recently released by hackers for the PlayStation(R)3 system. These devices permit the use of unauthorized or pirated software.
Use of such devices or software violates the terms of your “System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation(R)3 System” and the “Terms of Services and User Agreement” for the PlayStation(R)Network/Qriocity(TM) and its Community Code of Conduct provisions. In addition, copying or playing pirated software is a violation of International Copyright Laws.
***************>>>>>>>A circumvention device and/or unauthorized or pirated software currently resides on your PlayStation(R)3 system. <<<<<<<<<<****************
Immediately cease use and remove all circumvention devices and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from your PlayStation(R)3 system. Failure to do so will result in termination of your access to PlayStation(R) Network and access to Qriocity(TM) services through your PlayStation(R)3 system.
Please note that this is an automated e-mail, so replies to this address cannot be responded to.
(C)2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe.
eu.playstation.com http://eu.playstation.com
“PlayStation”, “PlayStation Network”, “PlayStation Store”, “PlayStation Home”, “PS3″, “PSP” and “PS2″ are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. All titles, content, publisher names, trademarks, artwork, and associated imagery are trademarks and/or copyright material of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Games sold in the United Kingdom are age rated by the independent organisations PEGI and BBFC. To find out more, visit www.pegi.info, www.bbfc.co.uk or www.askaboutgames.com. Age ratings indicate the age for which the game is suitable.
If you have PlayStation(R)Network account you can edit your profile and notification preferences, including unsubscribing, from within your account. Sign In here. https://secure.eu.playstation.com/sign-in/
If you don’t have a PlayStation(R)Network account and want to unsubscribe, email us here. mailto:unsubscribe@eu.playstationmail.com?subject=Unsubscribe
PlayStation(R)Network, PlayStation(R)Store and PlayStation(R)Home subject to terms of use and not available in all countries and languages (eu.playstation.com/terms). Broadband internet service required. Users are responsible for broadband access fees. Charges apply for some content. Users must be 7 years or older and users under 18 require parental consent.
Prices, content, promotions and services are subject to change or withdrawal at any time. Content may not be available in all territories.
It seems Sony is willing to give the rule breakers a chance, so if you are worried about being banned, stop using the PSN bypass method, reflash your 3.55 CFW machine, with 3.55 OFW, completely format your harddrive, then install 3.56, if you arent worried about being banned or if you don’t use PSN, then just stay were you are.