
Saturday 19 February 2011

[Release] Custom PS3 Boot Logo Creator

Over at PSX-Scene i have released tools to make custom PS3 boot Logos.
Here is my tool to help you make your custom PS3 boot logos.
For examples: (thx to mrmuppet and me)
You will need:
Photoshop (To create your Boot Logo)
Photosho DDS plugin (To allow you to edit the Logo)
The attached Boot Logo Creator
Basic Instructions:
Install Photoshop
Install the DDS Plugin NVIDIA Plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop (Normal/Cube Maps, DDS)
Edit your DDS files
Run Coldboot Creator and follow the steps
Full Instructions:
1. After You have installed Photoshop and the dds plug-in you will need to open the dds files in the “Boot Logo’s (dds’s)” Folder. When you open the DDS click on “Load Using Default Sizes”

2. When you have created your desired logo you have to save it with these settings:

3. Repeat this for all 6 pictures Do Not resize the pictures
4. Run “Coldboot Creator.exe” and select “Step1″

5. You will need to convert you DDS files to GTF files, to do this Click “Convert Pictures” and follow the instructions.
6. When you have converted your pictures Browse to all the files it asks for:

7. Press Start and it should say Success, then close that window and click Step2
8. Follow the on screen instructions with pictures to compress the step1 file

9. Click step3
10. Browse to the required files and click finish to create the final Coldboot.

11. Copy the Coldboot. to /dev_flash/vsh/resource on your ps3 (You will need a way to write to flash eg. Asbestos or FreeFlash 3.55 compiled or dev_blind)
Do not change the size of the images There are no checks, if you change the size your coldboot will not work!
I have tested this on 3.55, it should work on 3.41 since the Coldboot. files are the same(Correct me if i’m wrong)
Thanks to:
eustolio for TUTORIAL: Edicion de Coldboot.raf – Crea tu Logo de Inicio
And everyone who has contributed to the PS3 scene

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