
Saturday 16 July 2011

PNM Project

No_One, the anonymous hacker who released a PDF "Theory for Dual Firmware PS3" two months ago, returns today. No_One has contacted PSX-SCENE, with information about a great new release, the PNM Project, the "PS3 NOR Manager" Project. This new piece of hardware has been designed to help us further explore the PlayStation3 NOR FLASH, and find more exploitable areas that are hidden with our consoles. PNM is open-hardware and open-source. With advancements in being able to DUMP/COPY your PS3 (NOR), as well as downgrade methods, the possibility of 3.6x+ Key Decryption/CFW, and even a true Dual Firmware are closer then ever.

Quote Originally Posted by No_One
Anonymous hacker releases explanations of DUAL NOR hardware.

A hardware has been designed. Project codename: PNM (PS3 NOR Manager).
It meets the following requirements:
- copy/dump/update NOR FLASH,
- static switch and dynamic switch between 2 NOR FLASH (sockets),
- realtime spying the NOR activities.
- ...

A PDF with all the explanations, schematics and so on will be provided very soon for release !
...this is one of the page extracted from the PDF that will be released. This is a part of the PNM schematics:

I believe knowledge and information wants to be free.
This is why I consider that this project is open-hardware and will be open-source !

Learn what you can and help contribute to making the PS3 scene a better place.
Released by No_One.

PS: This the dynamic switch between the 2 NOR that will probably lead to 3.6x+ keys decryption/CFW but also to a TRUE dual firmware management ;-)
PPS: No other hardware (Infectus, Progskeet...) can manage what PNM do.
It is quite different than these products. Functions in PNM will be much more advanced.
Again, everything will be FREE in some weeks !!!
Here is a picture of the Host Console, and another look at PNM Project:

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