
Friday 17 February 2012

The Skinny On The 14717 Update - Blocks RGH

So it was mentioned on Major Nelson's blog that the 14717 dashboard released a few days ago was to address a color space issue. As always, that isn't usually just the case. Underlying the eye candy are a series of security updates that not only attempt to reflash your DVD drive but your also blocks RGH completely on both Phat and Slim consoles.
In the 14717 dashboard, a new two stage CB was introduced which kills the ability for RGH. However, good ol'Microsoft has started to lose this battle already has a fix for Slim consoles is in testing and has been confirmed to revive RGH.
It is advised that if you have a RGH console, to make a backup of your CPU Key as it will be the only thing to get you out of a worse case scenario created by Microsoft.
Cmon Microsoft, you can't be failing like Sony and be having your ish cracked in less than 24 hours.
Source: Team Xecuter

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