
Tuesday 17 May 2011

C4eva about Dash Upgrade, 0225 Write Solution and Android x360usb

[c4eva] i will be analysing the update process in full!
[c4eva] details of 0225 write solution soon!
[L***] c4eva will it requier soldering, or technical enegering?
[Xe***] c4eva important to know : Soldering or NOT soldering?
[c4eva_] a 9504 drive will also suffice!
[S********] C4 is there a definite write solution going to be announced or is cross flashing the only way
[c4eva_] 0225 solution is not cross flashing,uses same drive,no pcb swap!
[J********] or we can write 0225 fw without any problem?
[c4eva] J********:no problem with write!
[c4eva] forget lizard – how does jf for x360usb on android sound – stay tuned!

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