
Friday 4 November 2011

Another World - Release 1.01

A couple of weeks ago, homebrew developer Bobby6killer released a port for jailbroken PS3 consoles of the classic game Another World a.k.a. Out of This World. A little less than a week ago he released an update to his project, which fixes the crashes that were present in the last version. For better sound, the author has also release an alternative version of this current release.

About Another World for PS3
This project is based on the reverse engine made by Grégory Montoir, and reimplements the game Another World to be played on PS3.

You need the original english DOS data files (in english, the game is known as "Out of This World").
release 1.01 (2011/10/27)
  • change pad support
  • fix system crashes when leaving the game
  • fix crackling sound (sdcell version only)
release 1.00 (2011/10/16)
  • - first public release
Arrow keys => Allow you to move Lester
Cross      => Allow you run/shoot with your gun
Select     => allow to enter a code to jump at a specific level
Start      => pause the game
Triangle   => quit the game
R1         => save game state
L1         => load game state
R2/L2      => change game state slot
Where should i place the original game files ? 
Place them into /dev_hdd0/game/NEWRAW_00/USRDIR/data folder.

What is sdcell version ? 
Current release comes with Robo Hobo's sdcell version for better sound experience.
This library is an other unofficial port of libSDL to PS3.
(New)RAW: cyxdown.free.fr
Download Links:


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