I'm just sharing this as i think everyone with a jtag needs to read this as its the best tut around ...
If it does help then pls leave your comments :)
Disclaimer: Team Xecuter is not responsible for any damage caused to your console by following this tutorial. Do so only if you know what you are doing!
Incorrectly following this tutorial can result in a 'bricked' xbox, to avoid this make sure you have a good backup of your nand and write down your CPU AND DVD KEYS
TUT Updated
How To Update Your JTAG To Newest Dash 2.0.13604.0 & The Latest Dash Launch
Things You Need
1. Your Original Nand or Backup Nand
2. Most important your CPU Key
3. USB Flash Stick or a Nand X
4. Coolshrimp Jtag Tool Current Version V4.23 an all-in-one GUI installer to create and put “freeBOOT” 13604
Now With Added Alternate SMC Configuration Points For Any Motherboard
- Creating FreeBOOT 9199,12611, 12625, 13146, 13599,13604 (Phat Console)
- Creating FreeBOOT 13599,13604 (Slim Console)
- Reset Glitch Support
- Glitch Board Programming
- Alternate SMC Xell & Freeboot
- Install Xellous
- Install Images
- Bad Block Remaping
- Get KV Info
- KV Editor
- UN-Ban Feature
- Get CPU Key Easily
- Works With USB or LPT
- Ability To Remove FreeBOOT
- Generation FreeBOOT in a click.
- Nice interface.
- Built In Help (Tutorial)
- Convert XBReboot To Original Nand
- Repair Bad Nand
- Nand Compare
- Capture Card (CPU Key Snap-Shot)
- MS Update
Download .
- Bug Fixes
- Bug Fixes
- Glitch Board Programming
- .Ecc Fix
- Reset Glitch Support
- New Dash Support(13604) All Consoles
- Easy Mode
- Advanced Mode
- Complete Interface Change
- Proper Xellous Files
- Nand Pro Updated
- New Install Images
3. kxam.patch AKA Ping Limit Remover is not needed anymore
it's patched into Dash Launch Installer
4. XeXMenu 1.1 >> on your Jtag
5. Dash Launch v2.26 For FB 13604
6. Flash360 Or A Nand X
3. 4. 5. 6 Above Can Be Got In Auto Xbins >>> Or >> Google is your Friend There
How To Make And Install With Or Without Alternate SMC Points
1. Open Jtag Tool and select Advanced Mode..
Select Main on the Top Menu Tabs
2. You will select USB if you are using a Nand X
3. You will select your console type in my case its Falcon.
4. You will enter your CPU Key dont copy that one its made up lol
Now select [ FreeBOOT ] on the Top Menu Tabs
5. Options For Alternate or Original SMC Points Which Ever You Have.
6. You can Select Which FreeBOOT Dash you want 9199,12611, 12625, 13146, 13599 , 13604
7. You can Select a Eject Boot Xell [HDMI] or Xellous which ever you have.
8. You will click Create FB it will open up a folder to find and select your Original Nand.
Then Command Prompt will open >> Press any key to continue >>>>
After a few seconds it will say fbBuild Finished... Have a nice day >>>
Press Enter to quit... then you will be asked to name your new fbBuild.bin and save it >> Name it updflash if your using a USB Stick or if your using the Nand X to write it leave it as it is FreeBOOT and save it.
!!! Please Note Below !!!
!!! If You Are Using A Nand X To Update Your Jtag Dash Make Sure Your Nand X is Up To Date !!!
You Will Get This Error If You Dont
Now To Update To Your New Dash
You extract Flash360 Files to you USB Flash Stick.
Also you will put your updflash.bin that you just made earlier on your USB Flash Stick with the Flash360 files thats it,
its ready to flash your Jtag with the latest Dash..
For Nand X Users
If Your Using The Nand X Just Click Write Bin In Cools Jtag Tool And Select The FreeBOOT.bin You Made.
Then POWER CYCLE YOUR XBOX As Explained Below
Updating Your Jtag With The New Dash
Plug your USB Flash Stick into your Jtag and power it up go to XeXMenu and press LB on your remote to find Usb:0 you will see the files you put on it earlier.
Then you highlight Flash360.xex and click it and you will get on screen instuctions.....
PRESS X Backup your Nand..
PRESS A Save entire Nand..when done
PRESS Any button to continue
PRESS BACK Button to return to main menu....
PRESS A Write updflash.bin to Nand
PRESS B Raw Flash without keeping current kv/config
You will see a WARNING Keyvault encrypted data check mismatch its ok carry on...
PRESS START You will see another WARNING its ok carry on ..
PRESS A It will start flashing when done Press any key to continue....
PRESS BACK Button to shutdown
What is Power Cycle = when your Xbox 360 shuts down pull out the power supply from the back of your Xbox 360 + Leave it out for A Min.. there abouts...
Thats it your done power up and be Greeted with the new Dash and go through the new setup steps..
Next Dash Launch 2.23b
Unrar Dash Launch for FreeBoot 13604 get the installer folder FTP it or USB stick to a place where you can run it eg. to the root of Hdd1 on your Jtag.
Next you get the launch.ini file that is also in Dash Launch for FreeBoot 13604 rar file.
You can edit the launch.ini file to what ever you want to boot first eg. Free style dash or xexmenu so on....
There is a sample_launch.ini to show you what the settings are or just let it the way it is at default.
You place it also on the root of Hdd1 on your Jtag
Installing Everything
Go into XEXmenu and go to the root of your Hdd you should see the Installer folder and launch.ini all on the root of your Hdd in XEXmenu.
Next you go into the Installer folder inside that folder you will find a default.xex
Press the X button on your remote to run the Installer = default.xex ...
You are Greeted with on screen instructions on what to do and what to Patch alls you do is answer Yes or No.
It will patch your Nand for what ever board your Jtag has eg. Falcon so on.
It will Patch your Jtag with ping limit remover and AP 2.5 is bypassed.
When your finished patching everything it will auto shut down your 360.
Then power up your Jtag again and your all patched up and good to go.
Custom Avatar Update Can Be Downloaded From Coolshrimps JTag Tool >> MS Update
1 - place the updater that matches this version on removable media, and
rename the folder from $SystemUpdate to $$ystemUpdate
2 - place an ini where dash launch can find it and set the noupdater option
to false - noupdater = false
NOTE that some games WILL prompt you to update the console if avatars are
not installed, this doesn't mean they have an update to actually put in, it
just means it needs avatar/kinect bins/resources to run
Taking Form xbins.org
Please Try Not To Ask Me Stupid Questions Iv Made This As User Noob Friendly As I Could
Peace Out
http://www.team-xecuter.com and Source
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