
Sunday 2 October 2011

Showtime Plugin: Youtube v1.0

It's been half a month since facanferff alerted us that Beta Testers were needed to test Youtube for Showtime. All the reports were helpful to make it better and now that it is much more stable and fast its time for release v1.0.

For those that were Beta Testers, this is the changelog since the Beta version (0.4) to the present version (1.0):
Add: Trace messages are only shown if Debugging mode is enabled; 
Add: Support for background (a simple image) in the feeds view
Add: Support  for Channels Feeds
Add: basic error handling for feeds and videos;
Add: safeSearch
Add: Support to get arguments from a default URL (not used in present)
Fix: URL getting of a video in Advanced mode (was slowing down)
Fix: playlist support; 
Fix: some feeds giving error 400; Added setting to limit entries per request (to avoid fast memory fullness);
Fix: Title labels of feeds
Fix: Paginator (was able to get only max two pages)
Fix: If is unable to get ID of a specific video in a feed bypass that item (instead of avoiding loading feed)
Fix: Issue avoiding loading Video Information (in advanced mode) when Views/Duration tag is not available
Fix: Login giving error “Authentication without realm”
Enhancement: Rewrite of User Screen (support more things now – Watch Later playlist and Recent Activity feed); 
Enhancement: Major rewrite of the function to get entries of a feed (more powerful now and more stable); 
Enhancement: In advanced mode display the resolution as it is (e.g.: hd1080)
Enhancement: New logo
For non-Beta Testers, here is the list of features of the plugin:
Login to Youtube
Standard Feeds (complete)
Channel Feeds (complete)
Movie Feeds (not supporting yet paid content)
Trailer Feeds (complete)
User Feeds (Favorites, New subscriptions, Contacts, etc.)
Getting Video Information
Every resolution supported
Search videos
Pagination (Powerful and fast!)
Get information about user
Search for User Profile (see note 1)
Related videos (if Advanced Youtube is enabled)
Response videos (if Advanced Youtube is enabled)
Limit entries per request (to avoid for a bigger time memory fullness)
Note: To search for a video/channel/playlist, you have to write with an EXTERNAL keyboard what you want in the box on Showtime’s homepage (with a magnifying glass icon).

Note: The plugin does not handle how a video is played, it is the work of Showtime, if in the middle of the video playback it fails, the audio is synched off or other, please report it to andoma.

Note: If by any reason when navigating feeds, your ps3 crashes it is because the memory of ps3 is extremely limited, and because of that navigating extremely fast will crash Showtme itself. There have been efforts to improve the plugin since the Beta version was released so it wouldn’t need so much memory.

The plugin is not available yet on Plugin Central, but you may install it by putting the zip file (UNEXTRACTED) in the following location: /dev_hdd0/game/HTSS00003/USRDIR/settings/installedplugins

Download: https://github.com/downloads/facanfe...be/youtube.zip

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