
Sunday 2 October 2011

The x360 SpiFlasher is available

It's done, the x360 SpiFlasher is available. This one will let you dump and flash your xbox 360 Nand easily.
Designed for both final users (who will install it definitly in their xbox) and technical users (who will use it several times on several xbox), it will cover all your needs.
We advise our official resellers to contact us for orders.
x360 SpiFlasher By Librasoft

You will find documentations for the installation in the "Documentations" section and the drivers pack in the "Downloads" section.
We have made also made some pictures in order to show you the best place to put your x360 SpiFlasher for definitive install.
x360 SpiFlasher sur Slim
x360 SpiFlasher sur FAT

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