
Sunday 19 June 2011

JTAG Goodies Updated For 13146 Dashboard


If you're one of the guys with a jtagged Xbox, you'll be glad to know that you will be able to join the masses on the 13146 dashboard with new versions of XeLL Updater, fbBuild and Dashlaunch. Check the Read More link for changelogs and downloads.
Easy FreeBOOT v5.20
Easy FreeBOOT automates the creation of a freeBOOT image using the original NAND image of a jtaggable Xbox.
  • Fixed full audclamp on jasper
  • Added cygnos Smc's
  • Implemented 13146
  • Removed unimportant stuff
  • Code optimisation
Download: easy FreeBOOT v5.20

If you're one of the guys with a jtagged Xbox, you'll be glad to know that you will be able to join the masses on the 13146 dashboard with new versions of XeLL Updater, fbBuild and Dashlaunch. Check the Read More link for changelogs and downloads.

fbBuild v0.30
fbBuild takes your console's NAND and adds the latest freeBOOT to it. Version 0.30 brings some new changes alongside allowing you to reboot your console into the latest 13146 XGD3 dashboard.
  • multiple options added to command line, alternate methods of setting those options perbuild (via ini or plain files)
  • a dump can be provided to retain console data such as bad block remapping, smc and config, and keyvault; note that the CPU key provided to fbbuild must match the nanddump for keyvault
  • reboot core is now patched based on desired method for entering xell
  • files are simplified, core and payload are embedded into fbbuild.exe
  • xell-2f.bin is now set to be checked for beside the exe and in the per console directory, though old locations override
  • launch.xex and lhelper.xex is set in the firmware ini files to be found beside the fbbuild.exe
  • minor updates and fixes
Download: fbBuild v0.30

DashLaunch v2.22
DashLaunch allows you to launch homebrew directly upon launch.
  • resolving 'localhost' when the router forwards it to the internet or there is no network at all... bad idea game devs... fixed (Yars', maybe others)
  • button handler now more reliably removes Y and A mishandling when held on miniblade exits
  • added new note to readme regarding update prompts and avatar data missing
  • hopefully extracted new games are now working fine, instead of GOD only
  • potential bug corrected in 12611/12625 patch sets
  • add 13146 compatibility
  • all patch sets updated to fully remove xex bound checks (ie: default.xex on root of USB causing E71)
  • "remotenxe" option added to ini(thx adihash!)
  • windows button on remote always boots to NXE/media center now(thx adihash!)
  • added "guide" and "power" path options to set boot time default override
  • changed kxam.patch, first .long must be the kernel version the patches match
  • added a check to kxam.patch data to abort on invalid address
  • added "nohud" option
  • added installer check to verify at least the 1BL segment of patches before installing, will re-ask and warn of possible corruption/brick
Download: Dashlaunch v2.22

XeLL Updater v1.1
XeLL Updater updates the XeLL portion of your freeBOOT NAND. v1.1 adds support for the 13146 kernel.
Download: XeLL Updater v1.1
Source: Xbox-Scene

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