
Sunday 19 June 2011

[Released]PSN AnonReg 1.0 – Anonymously Register On PSN

The group known as The Anonymous Data Protection Officers, who released this PDF on the lack of PSN security back in January, have have released a program that would let you anonymously register on PSN. All it simply does is make the process simpler to register while signing up on the PSN. here is a quote from the source.
his application was written by the intention to disclose security issues in the PlayStation Network. It is meant to be used as private investigation only.
Please keep in mind that European law allows to reverse and analyze protocols and applications by the intention to enhance user security.
The registration will create a valid PlayStation Network account for you.
Unlike the original PSN registration, this application protects you and your personal data.
It strips sensitive information which is normally sent to and saved by the PlayStation Network, like unique console ID’s etc.
Be aware, that the PlayStation Network registration has some limitations for the registration.
These are:
1) Your password has to contain at least:
- 8 characters
- 1 upper letter
- 1 lower letter
- 1 number
2) Your nickname does not exist already.
3) Your e-mail is not registered already.
This application will not check if you follow those limitations.
If you do not follow them, the registration will fail!
Screen shots thanks to manster:
Source PSX Scene

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