
Thursday 16 June 2011

Red Ribbon GNU/Linux RC2 For PS3

Some users like r04drunner from Elotrolado think the standard Linux distro’s for the PS3 have some limitations…so what does he does? Builds his own. The Debian Based Linux is called Red Ribbon, its actively being updated and below are the features it offers (and growing).
This build can be ran via LiveCD or through media/HDD storage (recommended). Full tutorial and features can be found at read more link below.


Features: Read More

This reallocation is based on the well-known Debian and has the following characteristics:
  • Core system (Kernel) 06/02/1938 Graf_chokolo with modifications. It also includes a specific modification to Asbestos and derivatives Marcan patches.
  • Swap (swap) main memory using the RSX.
  • Swap (swap) using a secondary partition on the storage media.
  • LXDE as the desktop.
  • As Blueman Bluetooth manager. Once started, can use the device after you sync, such as a bluetooth keyboard.
  • WICD as network connection manager.
  • Pcmanfm as a file manager.
  • LXTerminal as a console interface.
  • Galculator as a calculator.
  • LxMusic as audio file player.
  • Leafpad as a simple text editor.
  • Xarchiver as manager of archives.
  • GPicView as an image viewer.
  • MtPaint as a drawing tool.
  • ePDFView as PDF file viewer.
  • MPlayer media player.
  • Samba as a service for sharing files over a network. To transfer files between the PC and PS3 by local network using shared folders.
  • Xrdp as remote access server for RDP and VNC. Allows you to connect to the desktop of the PS3 from the PC using “Remote Desktop Connection” in Windows or a VNC client, such as “UltraVNC”.
  • Remmina as remote access client for RDP and VNC. Allows you to connect from the PS3 to the PC if you have enabled “Remote Desktop” in Windows or have a RDP server.
  • SSH remote access server console.
  • Iceweasel (fork of Firefox) and Internet browser.
  • And Synaptic package manager graphical installation.
  • Apt and Aptitude as package managers console mode installation.
Today, it is possible to have some of the functionality of the console, either because the loader does not yet provide access to some units of the PS3, either because they do not yet exist that allow drivers to use them:
  • Wireless network connection for Slim models. In Fat models, depends if enabled using OtherOS utilities.
  • Graphics acceleration. To date I have not aware of any drivers for the RSX

Tutorial (translated):

Operating Modes
The CD has two modes: Direct via LiveCD and installation in support of internal or external storage.
Allows direct execution from the CD provides a fully functional desktop without having made an installation.
However, this has a drawback because it involves being constantly accessing the CD which has an impact on performance, speed and course, the lens wear.
Thus strongly discouraged if you are going to make continued use or if you need to install more programs. Instead it is best to install on a storage medium.
Storage media installation
This procedure will install a copy of the system in the storage media that you indicate, it may be:
  • Space on the internal hard drive with Sony’s original OtherOS.
  • Space on the internal hard drive of Graf_chokolo OtherOS + + and derivatives.
  • External USB HDD.
  • USB Pen.
It is preferable to use any of the top three and not a USB pen, as the system performance decreases when using the latter.
Download and CD recording
First download the compressed zip file that contains the ISO image from the following address:
[Download Red Ribbon RC2 for PS3]
Once downloaded, unzip it and get the CD ISO image.
The MD5 of the ISO image is cd9c55275bb86e517efa99e8197bfe60.
Now we can proceed to burn the ISO image to CD using the method of “Burn CD Image” in your recording software. This method saves the contents of the ISO file on the CD, does not serve to save the file as it is within the CD.
After recording, the CD should appear in multiple folders and files. If only a file with the name of the file you downloaded, it has not been recorded with the method of “Burn CD Image.”
Install internal hard disk or USB storage media
To use this distribution is necessary to have one of these loaders:
  • Sony OtherOS.
  • OtherOS + + for Graf_chokolo or derivatives.
  • Boot-petitboot, which is a derivative of Asbestos with integrated petitboot.
We put the CD into the PS3 and start the loader, after booting from the menu will show the available options:
  • Live: normal boot mode. Is to be used with Other and OtherOS + +.
  • Live-Asbestos: specific boot mode for asbestos and derivatives, including patches Marcan.
If we use OtherOS or OtherOS + +, select the first and if you use Boot-petitboot, we use the second.
Once we have selected an option and press the Enter key will start the system in live mode.
Before entering the desktop, the window accessible by username and password, we left a few seconds and you will automatically.
After loading the desktop, we see that we have two panels:
  • Top panel: Where is the Main Menu on the left and the right clock.
  • Bottom panel: Where is the icon “Show Desktop” on the left and the icon of the trash to the right.
If for some reason have no mouse, we can move the menu access to it by pressing Ctrl + Esc and navigating through it with the cursor keys.
If we are installing a USB support is likely to be mounted automatically when you start Live, so you will need to be disassembled before installation. The easiest thing is to not connect it until we go to install, when asked to open with an application to say no. This problem will solve it for the next version.
Available on the desktop icon “Install Red Ribbon” to start the installation. There is also an option in Main Menu -> Preferences -> Install Red Ribbon.
This opens a window that displays a message that we will proceed with the installation of the system, we say yes.
Now we will tell you where it will install.
In the event that we have a space reserved for OtherOS or OtherOS + + internal hard disk of the PS3, we asked if we use it for installation. If you do not have the space, this message does not go away.
If we had left the message or we have said no, we are asked to select the storage device you want to use.
If you have not reserved space and we have not connected an external HDD or a USB pen, tells us that we can not perform the installation.
If you select the storage device manually or automatically, proceed to create the partitions:
  • Automatically: This will delete the existing partitions and create partitions by default. This option is recommended.
  • Manually: cfdisk will load a program to manually create partitions. This option is only for advanced users.
The creation, modification or removal of partitions never affect GameOS space, ie not deleted and backup programs you may have internal hard disk.
If you are going to use an external HDD or a USB pen, if that will erase data from that external HDD or USB pen, so I advise that you use one that is empty.
We will choose the first option, ie we create the partitions automatically.
If all goes well, a third option called “Continue.” Select it and accept it.
Now we ask for the mount points. Should see two “/” which is the main and “swap” which is the area of ​​trade. Select “Continue” and accept.
Now proceed to format the partitions and when finished, start the installation.
When finished, ask the name and password. We can indicate you want or leave the default one.
Now finish the configuration, we see a message indicating that everything went well and we can restart the system.
When we launch the loader, we see two new options “Red Ribbon” and “Red Ribbon – Asbestos.” As with the live, use the one that best suits us.
Problems encountered
The problems identified have been solucionadosen the current version.
Features to develop in the future
  • Support for multiple languages.
  • Installing from a USB reader for PS3 corrupted.
All material contained on the CD is freely available, either GPL or with Creative Commons:
  • The operating system is based on the GNU / Linux Debian .
  • The core system (kernel) includes modules and utilities Graf_chokolo and Marcan , GPL licensed.
  • The background image in the input window and the desktop has been designed bySascha Wenninger and is licensed by Creative Commons.
  • The installation process has been developed by and licensed R04drunner GPL.

[Download Red Ribbon RC2 for PS3]
[VIA Elotrolado (Spanish Forum)]

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