
Monday 26 September 2011

JFW DH delayed and possible exploit to play 3.6x+ games?

Looks like JFW DH, with its release date initially planned for October 1st, will be delayed. The DH crew is currently unable to give a date. On the other hand, they mentioned anexploit that will make us able to play 3.6x+ games.

As the title says, the JFW DH will be delayed for various reasons, including one of the devs working on OpenPStore is very busy with college, and the dev working on TheGrid Manager has had an accident while practising sports, resulting in him working much slower.

Without the plugin manager, we won't be able to control TheGrid plugins, and without OpenPStore we won't be able to communicate with the JFW DH update platform.

Everything was planned for the date of October 1st, but with those issues we will not be able to give an exact date (it could be just a week, or 2), we don't know, what we can guarantee is it will worth the wait, and once the JFW released, it will integrate an exploit (not right at release) that will allow you to play all future games (including 3.7x, etc), we will not release the method (this was always the mistake, release the methods) but this exploit is not keys related, as we don't need them anymore.

1saludo and I want you to know that I feel very bad demons, because I think about that i failed, giving a date and then not meeting the deadline, thanks for your comprehension[...]
Sorry about the so-so translation, my Spanish isn't that good, and my English isn't perfect either x) Either way, we'll have to wait patiently. As for the future games, I seriously wonder how they plan on getting them to run without the keys... Hopefully this is true. 

Stay tuned!

PS : And now, watch all the trolls/haters go "lulz jfw is faek!!11one!1eleven"

Source : DemonHades.Org (Spanish website)

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