
Thursday 22 September 2011

PS3Ultimate CFW Updated (Spoofed 3.72)

Psx-scene member RazorX has updated his PS3Ultimate custom firmware with 3.72 spoofer. Some changes have also been made to the coldboot.

Hey all RazorX here i've updated my PS3Ultimate CFW again for you i've tweeked a couple of things for example i've removed the website from the coldboot file so now it just reads PS3Ultimate
i've also updated the category_game_tool2.xml and renamed the default theme because the name was bugging me and i changed the website on it but the main reason for this release is
because i've updated the spoof on it now my cfw is spoofed to 3.72 to prevent you from accidentally updating your console also on another note i've found someone who is happy to make a
PS3Ultimate app for me so keep a look out for that hopefully if what he said is true it should be done about friday but we will see..

CFW Details:
  • Patched Lv1 Hypervisor
  • Patched Lv1 Hypervisor
  • Patched Lv2 Kernel
  • Patched Package Installer
  • Patched Application Launcher
  • Added Homebrew Category (TV)
  • Added Retro Category (PSN)
  • Added Debug Category (Friend)
  • Added Package Manager (Friend)
  • Added Launch Game (Discless) (Game)
  • Cleaned Unwanted Icons From XMB
  • Replaced Coldboot
  • Replaced RCO Files
  • Replaced XML Files
  • Patched All self/sprx Files To Secure Privacy
  • Changed Cinavia DRM Effected Files
  • Changed Default "Air Paint" Theme

PS3Ultimate White Edition 3.72 Spoofed
PS3Ultimate Black Edition 3.72 Spoofed
PS3Ultimate White Edition Unspoofed
PS3Ultimate Black Edition Unspoofed

3.70 Downgraded/Downgrading:

Don't install this unless you downgraded/downgrading your ps3 from 3.70 with a Progskeet or Teensy++

PS3Ultimate White Edition 3.70 Spoofed
PS3Ultimate Black Edition 3.70 Spoofed

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