
Sunday 14 November 2010

FreeBOOT Toolbox 0.04 Maker v2.5 by BestPig *Maj Rév2*

BestPig, our national encoder returns to the stage 360 to give us the last days of his app that everybody expected. This is of course freeBOOT Toolbox Maker 0.04 which amounts to version 2.5 and therefore allowing you to easily create an image freeBOOT 0.04 Kernel offering support as well as 12,611 KINECTS.

Beyond the updated patches, new version includes an option to see debug errors generated by ibuild or fbuild.

Freebooter compatibility level images in 0032 and XBR 16mo should be supported to create new images. Jaspers for 256 or 512, you'll need the original nand.

Updated Rev2: Fixed SMC and KV


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