
Sunday 21 November 2010

c4eva Confirms New AP2.5 Checks on New Dashboard with New Game

>> Here's a chatlog from C4E about the new protections ["AP2.5 Checks"] added to the (beta/leaked) fall 2010 dashboard with new games:

[c4eva] New AP25 checks confirmed on new dash with fable 3, LT+ coming for requiwhite drives with SSv3 and anti AP25 included!
[c4eva] there are 5 ap25 checks done when xex is launched!
[c4eva] samsung doesnt have ap25
[c4eva] 360s LT+ will include this now
[c4eva] samsung and some old hitachi dont have ap25
[c4eva] samsung wont do ap25, it will be skipped (safe)
[c4eva] they will detect your drive changing to a samsung! [if you spoof to Samsung]
[c4eva] confirmation will need to be done on released retail kinect dash!
[c4eva] at this point, only new games check ap25!
[c4eva] kreon=fail!


[c4eva] ap2.5 already defeated, backup fable 3 running fine on beta dash! more data requiwhite for analysis!
[*******] C4 are you planning on releasing the new LT+ for the old consoles? ie. not slim?
[c4eva] yes
[*******] c4eva, is it confirmed that current FW and older games will be safe in the new dash?
[c4eva] unknown at present!
[*******] C4 are you still working on hitachis? Will they eventually be released =)?
[c4eva] was working on it , not for a while now!
[*******] c4eva so there will be a LT+ for lite-on and benq drives
[c4eva] yes
[c4eva] logged entire update process, no vendor packets, only standard inquiry and key exchange, so update process safe!
[c4eva] fable 3 not safe! ap2.5 active for that title with new dash!
[c4eva] as soon as we have enough data on ap25 then there will be something
[c4eva] testing more game titles soon for ap25!


[*******] how's the ps3 white-ray firmware comming along?
[c4eva] will look at that when finished here, got sidetracked!
[*******] c4eva have ms tried to shaft us big time this time with ap 2.5?? titally new f/w??
[c4eva] no
[*******] c4eva have you any news on lt+ for us today?
[c4eva] host supplied checks was always the holy grail for them as they know we control the fw and cant see
[*******] C4, exactly how many new checks are involved in the new AP2.5?
[*******] and what sorts of things are they checking?
[c4eva] 13 unique ones so far!
[*******] so you think there could be more than 13... :-|
[c4eva] yes, i would think so, too easy to overcome otherwise!
[*******] c4eva can FW+ detect unknown checks?
[c4eva] there are other checks just for slim, so more work for that one!
[*******] C4eva, would it be possible to for Microsoft to run ap2.5 checks remotely at anytime?
[c4eva] lt+ will cater for any ap2.5 challenge!
[*******] C4eva, out of the slims how many fw versions are there and how many look positive to create CFW's currently?
[c4eva] slim, 2 fw versions so far, they went to great lengths to hide drive key in 0225!no matter!
[c4eva] lt+ eta - when its done and tested with more titles!
[c4eva] no ap2.5 checks seen on older games so far, only fable 3, testing the water with that title!
[*******] c4eva, any info in you collaboration with demonhades on ps3 fw
[c4eva] ps3 fw comes next after all this!
[*******] will the ps3 fw do the exact same thing as the xbox fw? right now there is already homebrew out to run games off hard drive
[c4eva] yes you cant play on psn with jailbreak
[*******] C4eva can you please verify one thing, is the only relatively unsafe rip Fable, or have you spotted any other newer releases
[c4eva] only fable so far but thats not to say a new title might have ap2.5!
[c4eva] first benq and fat liteons, then comes slim!
[c4eva] further progress has been made, all good so far!


[*******] is it possible to spoof our current drives to appear as samsung drives and bypass ap25
[c4eva] sig is checked as part of ap25
[*******] I spoofed 4 o 5 Slims to diferent drives, and only 2 times it don't works with Kinect (Play DVD) However, other slims read all (unless Fable 3 xD)
[c4eva] new dash at some point checks slim drive fw, once it has spoof will cease to work
[*******] c4eva will LT+ firmware be available to hitachi v79 drives?
[c4eva] maybe
[*******] C4eva have u tested AC brotherhood?
[c4eva] yes, i have ac:b, all is good!
[c4eva] lt+ testing begins this weekend, not long now!
[*******] unless u have a hitatchi drive or a sammy, but sammys seem to be hit and miss, works for some and not for others
[c4eva] ap25 is checking osig
[*******] +c4eva - what is osig?
[c4eva] original drive signature for motherboard
[c4eva] osig is interesting, they took out kernel check due to rrod repairs, now ap25 had to have it,otherwise everyone would be a sammy, now rrod repairs may not boot if osig wasnt updated!
[c4eva] its gone past just live, they want no backups booting period!
[*******] I read somewhere that this ap 2.5 can be different for each game ... so every new game might not work the same way as the previous one and may need a new fw update?
[c4eva] fw will be fine!
[*******] it'll work for any AP2.5 challenge he said


[*******] c4eva fable3 and asasin have same ap25 checks ?
[c4eva] ap25 checks are game specific
[*******] c4eva do u know why samsung does not have ap2.5 ]
[c4eva] because it doesnt have the code for it :)
[*******] c4eva, AP2.5 - thats a name you came up with or does it show in the dash binary somehow ?
[*******] that's what the specification is actually called
[*******] c4eva, i suppose we will need new software/hardware aswell, to dump the new sectors and inject them in iso ?
[*******] ******, specification that came from MS to game developers ?
[*******] New 0800 and xbc would be liky
[*******] Likely
[c4eva] yes
[*******] c4eva, so if ap2.5 is game specific. Could ms implement new checks with an update and render the new drive FW useless again ?
[c4eva] fw will be fine
[*******] c4eva original slim now can be updated to new firmware and after that it can be LT+ flashed with no problem?
[*******] how do you dump and test ap25 games for now? is it a secre? :)
[c4eva] yes
[c4eva] yes
[*******] [+c4eva] thanks for all your hard work man, we love you. Maybe consider putting out a non-LIVE version of the FW for those that dont care about LIVE. It would have to be easier on ou.
[*******] C4s always been committed to stealth
[*******] And im
[*******] Sure he is busy enough
[c4eva] ap25, live or no live, doesnt matter
[*******] my fable 3 doesnt show AP25 in ABGX???
[*******] Fable III doesn't have that flag
[c4eva] with new dash xex flag is irrelevant!
[*******] yeah, so that becomes an unreliable method to determine


[c4eva] testing code, so far so good!
[*******] is black ops as safe as any other game before the dash update?
[c4eva] yes
[*******] for slim what kind of real time checks are we talking about?
[c4eva] realtime fw check,realtime ram check!
[c4eva] they are checking for our code/data in drive!
[*******] c4 can we expect lt+ this side of christmas?
[c4eva] yes


[*****] i read that the 1.6 no stealth firmware beats the ap25 protection?
[*****] is it correct?
[c4eva] no
[c4eva] testing ap25 backups on live,all good, clean xval!

Another update more of a Q&A this time

[c4eva] testing backups on live!
[*****] you had any hickups along the way?
[c4eva] not really
[*****] Morning c4eva, there's a title update for Black Ops, is this the kind of thing you'll log for new checks or do we assume that because a BO backup still works after the TU, that ap2.5 isn't active?
[c4eva] already checked bo update,looks good,clean xval
[*****] can i ask again aboyt nfs?
[*****] is its playable with lt+?
[c4eva] yes
[*****] C4eva the new lt+ will report like original fw against live checks?
[c4eva] yes
[c4eva] hello
[*****] c4eva im sure you may have been asked before, but should we worry about back security? as in ap2.5 being implemented into older games and most anticipated, black ops?
[c4eva] you will be protected with lt+
[*****] c4eva, before upgrading to the new dash and put the new LT +, we must first put the stock fw, update the dash and then put the new lt?
[c4eva] not required
[*****] So what I'm wondering is this: If the box is already flagged on new dash, IE not playing AP2.5 games, will the new upgrade to LT+ then enable playing these games again?
[c4eva] yes
[*****] what's the drive firmware coded in anyway?
[*****] how do you code for it
[*****] asm?
[c4eva] yes
[*****] C4eva, will a new 0800 and SSv3 be required?
[c4eva] yes, eventually
[*****] did sb from MS contacet you offering a job?
[c4eva] fundamental changes were made to lt code to accomodate ap25 data, hence extra testing!
[c4eva] no
[*****] C4EVA, can the shitty kreon be used? using abgx360 gui to inject ssv3 in future.
[*****] will the new lt+ compatible with all slim drives avaliabe ATM?
[c4eva] later
[c4eva] use kreon to dump game data only just a thought, is lt+ coming for slim, or is that to follow as a           different version?
[c4eva] slim comes after liteon
[******] c4eva is the live testing going well ?
[c4eva] testing is going very well
[c4eva] all testing successful on all ap25 games on live, in hands of testers now!
[******] did anybody get ACB to play on their lite on?
[c4eva] yes

Its almost here!!!

The new final fall2010 dashboard is still expected to hit retail consoles on or before Nov 4th (Kinect release date).
News-Source: #FW@EFnet

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