
Monday 22 November 2010

How to Place Apps into Different XMB Categories

Today NZHawk has revealed a small discovery, that he and DarkHacker have made. While experimenting with the PARAM.SFO settings file, they discovered how to place applications into various categories on the XMB. To achieve this, all that is needed, is a small modifcation to a CATAGORY string in the PARAM.SFO. By doing this, they found you could place applications into any XMB category, except Users, Settings and Friends. Below NZHawk explains further.

Well I was talking to DarkHarker about param.sfo files and that. He asked me to try changing the CATAGORY string to 'HM' and see what it did.
It made the package install under the Playstation Network catagory on the XMB. DarkHacker and I then worked out the rest of the catagories that its possible to install and run hombrew applications to the xmb, and found them all except Users, Settings and Friends (which all seem to be filled with the xml files in the vsh flash folder).
String Category
HM Playstation Network
CB Network
HG Game
AV Video
AM Music
AP Photo
I thought this was quite interesting, and would be great if we could add a Hombrew catagory to the xmb and make all hombrew apps install under it to make some hombrew standard, much like the wii has. (Also has anyone though about making a database of hombrew Title IDs to keep track?)
Oh, and its possible to change this location after install via application settings.

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