
Sunday 21 November 2010

Rogero Manager v7.7 Released

PS3Hax brings us news that Rogero Manager has been updated to v7.7. "Rogero Manager is a modified version of Open Manager. Its design and functionality are very similar to that of Open Manager."

Change log for v.7.6.0 through 7.7.0:
7.7.0 – Direct_Boot Mode bug fixed, some code cleanup.
7.7.0 – Stealth version now uses another Title ID that won’t conflict with any known game
7.6.0 – Added a Function [L1+SQUARE] to Fix corrupted SFO files by the previous version/error “80028F14″.
7.6.0 – Added a Stealth version of the Manager to be used Online for safer operation(BLES01031/CODBO)
7.6.0 – SFO file patching fixed to work with all games & changed from Automatic to Optional.
7.6.0 – Fixed a bug that caused “sfo” patched games to start sometimes in PATCH-MODE.
7.6.0 – [PS3_SYSTEM_VERSION] detection compatibility fixed for all Payloads.
7.6.0 – Permissions-Fix function changed from Automatic to Optional.
7.6.0 – Added a new path for the Games folder [/dev_hdd0/game/GAIA01985/BDRIPS].
7.6.0 – Last Game Played/Selected will be saved & selected by default on next run.
7.6.0 – Patch-Mode/Direct-boot/Disc-Required options Disabled when Original Game is selected.
7.6.0 – Free available Space on HDD is now checked before copying starts to avoid PS3 freezing problem.
7.6.0 – Fixed a bug that sometimes showed an Empty Games List after Original Game is ejected. 

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