
Saturday 30 October 2010

Open Manager 2.1H with Open Copy 1.1

xstahsie of PS3Hax has informed us of a new mod version of Open Manager, v2.1H. Heres what he had to say:

This version of Open Manager is a modification of the original Open Manager program. This version obviously includes different features not found in the original Open Manager. Additionally, this mod version of Open Manager includes Open Copy Install.

Open Copy Install allows you to view games installed on the hard drive (internal and external), copy games from one drive to another drive, and can perform installations of games to the hard drive.

Download Open Manager 2.1H: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2QCISFK7


Change log for 2.1H with Open Copy 1.1:

- Fixed a bug when using an option on the BR disc trying to write about it and causing blockage.

- The icon is now kept in the cache.

- Added code to manage dynamic themes. Today themes can be designed to cover the lists, see the
wallpaper games PIC1, view the cover instead of the icon, change the text color or change the
location, change the cursor left / straight up / down. Un thème d’exemple est distribué. One
such theme is distributed.

- The covers can be added manually in the installation path of the application in the folder
COVERS (file in uppercase). If you use a folder on a hard COVERS / USB stick, it will be
detected automatically launch the application.

- Themes can also be used on a disc / memory stick via path THEMES / DEFAULT containing the.
Ini configuration. The application will automatically update the images.

- Added command L1 + LEFT to update the covers placed on a disc / USB drive or update the themes
found on a disk / USB or internal hard drive.

- Change the background image on the XMB.

- Added a menu in Italian.

- Added detection of file trophies, if set in direct execution mode, the file will be linked with
that of OM in order to prevent possible installation errors trophies and allow greater
compatibility with some games (as Mafia 2 for example).

- Modification of a part of allowing FTP access to all roads.

- You can keep the way of installing games on the internal disk using the combination LEFT + START.
If the application is reinstalled, the previous configuration will be detected and you will be
asked if you want to keep.

- Now, if your backups are in the folder GAMEZ internal hard disk (/ dev_hdd0/GAMEZ) it possible
to mount the external hard drive to install games. You can use both games to the hard drive
internally and externally. It must be remembered that the default folder is
"/ dev_hdd0/game/OMAN46756/GAMEZ" and is not the same as "/ dev_hdd0/GAMEZ.

Homebrew – Spin Pong Released

A PSX-Scene user by the name of apanloco has released a homebrew PS3 game called Spin Pong. As you can imagine its a Pong type game, but with a small twist. The physics aren’t what you’d normally find in your average Pong game. Check it out below and more info after the jump.

Download Source: http://github.com/apanloco/SpinPong

Download Pkg: http://www.multiupload.com/9HF6FW0TSJ

Spin Pong is an fun and addictive 2-player Pong game for PS3, with some interesting physics and stereo sound.

This was coded using only a retail unit, using logging over UDP.

I used the how-install-set-up-ps3-sdk-1-92-properly guide thanks go to internetfloozy.

Download latest version from:



Use left analog stick up/down to move paddles.
Press X to signal that you are ready. Both players need to signal ready before game starts.
Press START to signal that you want a game reset. Both players need to signal wants-reset before game starts.


I built this with the 1.92 SDK on windows with msys. Just do this:
– cd
– build.bat
– you now have spinpong.pkg
– install as usual


For homebrew developers check out Log.h/Log.cpp for code to log over network.
To view the logs, use:
$ socat udp-recv:6160 stdout

Sounds are converted from .wav to .raw using:
for i in *.wav; do sox -V -S $i -r 48000 -e float -b 32 -c 1 -B $i.raw; done
because i was too lazy to code a wav loader.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 is Now Available

Homebrew developer Robo Hobo has released a PS3 port of Mednafen today, which is a multi-system (NES, GB, GBC, GBA, SMS, GG) emulator for the PlayStation 3 GameOS.

Download: Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 / Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 r3 / Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 Source Code / Mednafen SVN

To quote: Currently Mednafen only supports zipped roms, as there was a bug with unzipped roms (fix coming soon). Future versions should have PC Engine and PC Engine CD, as well as Atari Lynx, Neo-Geo Pocket and WonderSwan.

This is a port of the Mednafen Multi-System emulator to the Sony PlayStation 3.

Mednafen PS3 Features:
• Load uncompressed or zipped images
• Save and load save ram and save states
• File browser, place your games on a USB drive, or FTP them to the internal drive
• Fast forward

The first time you load a game for a system, you will be asked to configure the controls, you can reconfigure them later by pressing L3 + R3.

• PCE and PCE CD support
• Neo-Geo pocket, Atari Lynx and Wonder Swan support
• Better user interface
• Other features

• File Menu
• Up and Down to Scroll the list by 1
• Left and Right to scroll the list by a page
• Cross: Select File or directory
• Circle: Go to previous directory

In Game:
• Tilt the right stick to the right for fast forward
• R3 to open settings menu
• Hold L3 + L2 to save state
• Hold L3 + R2 to load state
• Hold L3 + R3 to redefine controls

Settings Menu:
• Up and down to choose setting
• Left and right to change the current settings value

Thanks to:
The original author of Mednafen, and all of the emulators it contains.
The people who make the PS3 JailBreak possible.

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!

Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 is Now Available

Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 is Now Available

Mednafen Multi-System Emulator Port for PS3 is Now Available

New X3Max Programming Tool Released v2.00

The X3Max team has released a new programming tool for their X3Max chip. The latest version, v2.00, has several new exciting features. One of the most useful features in v2.00 is the ability to flash ANY hex file to the X3Max. Eliminating the nuisance of waiting around for a certain payload to be ported! More info after the jump.

Download: http://x3max.com/x3MAX_Programmer+GenericHex+Readme.zip

X3 Programming Tool V2.00


We are proud to present our latest version of the X3 Programming tool exclusively for use with your X3 Max.

This version not only allows you to flash pre-compiled X3 Max firmwares as before, but now for the first time anywhere, our V2 update allows flashing of *any* hex file regardless of chipset. No longer will you need to wait around wondering when a payload for your chipset will be available.

We have personally tested it against many many different hex files and are pleased with the results.

This is only the beginning of whats planned, over the coming weeks we will have more exciting stuff to share with our customers.
Installation Notes


- Install and run your X3 Tool.exe
- To use the new Generic Hex Flashing functionality you will need to first flash a new Firmware included called ‘x3MAX_Generic.bin’. You only need to do this once.
- Once this is complete, click the ‘Open Hex’ button and load your hex file.
- If this was a valid hex file you will see the descriptor data loaded
- Click ‘Program’ once again to flash your hex file.
- Set your switch and run on your PS3 and enjoy!


– This currently does not support the Linux incentive known as AsbestOS. We are working on an update to support it and will be released shortly.

- Also In the works we will include the ability to directly hex edit this descriptor windows and flash to your x3 MAX. For the coders out there, you will be able to modify payload information without having to recompile/reflash over and over.

This is just the beginning of whats to come with x3 MAX.Keep checking x3MAX.com for more updates


Shaun White Skateboarding Recalled For PS3

Shaun White Skateboarding, was scheduled for release tomorrow on Wii, 360, and PS3. However, it seems Sony pulled a last minute audible by issuing a recall and asked retailers to send back the PS3 discs. Sony issued the following statement:

There was a manufacturing issue with a misprinted disc at Sony Computer Entertainment America and the wrong version of the Shaun White Skateboarding PlayStation 3 game was shipped to retailers. We’re working with Ubisoft to correct the issue. New PS3 copies of the game will be shipped to North American retailers by Thursday, Oct. 28 and it will be available by that weekend.
We can only speculate as to what the real reason for the recall was. If we had to guess though, it probably was related to jailbreaking in some manner. Perhaps a security fix was issued at some point to the game to prevent piracy, and some of the unfixed copies slipped through to retailers. We’ll probably never know for sure the real reason. Anyways, those looking to purchase the game will need to hold out until the end of the week to ensure a “working” version of the game.

Update: According to our member LiteFlower, who is a friend of the game studio that produced the game, this recall has nothing to do with jailbreaking. To quote:

This has NOTHING to do with Jailbreaking. Sony simply sent the wrong version to the manufacturing plant, instead of sending the one which was approved, they sent the candidate which wasn’t approved and contained code/data from a month prior.

If you get to play the recalled version, you’ll see tons of bugs and glitches that even may prevent you from finishing the game.

FreeStore v1.0 – PS3 Homebrew Database with FTP Transfer Utility

pojiku of PS3News, has released an interesting PC app entitled FreeStore v1.0. The purpose of this program, is to keep a database of all PS3 homebrew releases. The program allows you to download the PS3 homebrew directly to your PS3 via FTP. This is similar to the web based, Homebrew Manager, that we covered earlier this month. FreeStore provides another avenue for those looking for the latest homebrew releases. More after the jump.

http://psgroove.com/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/img/icons/default.gif download: FreeStore v1.0 (1.39MB)
added: 26/10/2010
clicks: 86
description: FreeStore v1.0

I’m working on a PC utility application called FreeStore v1.0, basically it’s an updated database of the latest PlayStation 3 homebrew releases.

You simply select the item you want and it will be installed onto your PS3 directly.

Key features:
- Automatically find the latest homebrew.
- Built-in FTP client allows installing to PS3 without touching a USB drive.
- Is n00b friendly!

- Add filters to give more specific results
- Include a HEX database
- Include App/Hex submission form
- Make a pretty interface ^^

How to use:
1. Run a PS3 FTP Server on your PS3.
2. Using the IP Address displayed on-screen,
connect to your PS3 using the FTP dialoge above.
3. Select the item you want to download, then press the “Download” button.
4. Restart your PS3 and your item will appear in the ‘Game’ category of the XMB.



[RELEASE]Mednafen-PS3 Emulator Released

PS3HaX member Robo Hobo has released a PS3 version of Mednafen.
What does Mednafen do:
Mednafen is a Multi System , it supports:
It supports .Zip files and save states
It will support PCE and PCE CD in the future.
The download link will go to  PS3HAX and you will have to become a member to download.
To thank or comment on this visit the original thread here

Monday 25 October 2010

PSFreedom for Nokia N900 v0.4 Released

MohammadAG has released an updated, and revamped version of his Nokia N900 . Includes support for Hermes and PL3.

To quote:
* Added 3.01, 3.10, 3.15, and 3.41 firmware support.
* Added PL3 1.1 support.
* Added LED indicator support, red on in-progres, green on done.
* Application rewritten in C++/Qt instead of PyQt, overall improvements.
* All images compiled in the binary instead of being stored in /opt.
* About window features a full browser, with back, forward, stop, and refresh buttons.
* Scrolling in about window fixed, should no longer highlight text while scrolling.
* Full browser for PSJCL.com support.
* Added hermes support.
* Added portrait mode.
* Help window without buttons; kinetic scrolling added to help window, thanks to alterego.

NES Emulator FCEU PS3 v1 Released

shinhalsafar has informed us the NES emulator, FCEU PS3, he’s been working on is ready for release. Below is his announcement.

Finally FCEU for PS3 is ready for release. The updates will come often now.

Supports: 480, 720, 1080P at either 4:3 or 16:9 aspect ratio.
Not yet supported but to be desired: SRAM and state saving.

Please visit:

Reports bug and feature requests:

Special thanks:
- To the snes9x-ps3 team (TheMaister, Squarepusher64 and myself shinhalsafar).
Download: http://www.multiupload.com/BGBS0F8U4Q

Readme after the jump.


- Just enough to play a ROM
- 4P Support
Up – Go up
Down – Go down
Left – Go back five file entries
Right – Go forward five file entries
L1 – Go back one page
R1 – Go forward one page

Cross – (If directory selected) enter directory/ (if ROM selected) start ROM
Triangle – Same as Cross
Circle – (If not in root directory) Go back to previous directory
L2 + R2 – (If you previously exited a ROM) return to game
Select – Go to settings menu (see ‘CONTROLS IN SETTINGS MENU’ section)
Up – Go up one setting
Down – Go down one setting
Left – Change setting to the left
Right – Change setting to the right

Circle – Go back to ROM menu
Display framerate – This will show the FPS (Frames Per Second) onscreen
Resolution – Switch between resolutions – 480p mode, 720p mode and 1080p mode (depending on your monitor’s supported resolutions)
Aspect Ratio – Switch between aspect ratios 4:3 and 16:10 (16:9 will come shortly, for now choose 16:10 on widescreen – perhaps small
cutoff at left and right))
Hardware Filtering – Switch between Linear interpolation (Bilinear filtering) and Point filtering.
Nothing worth really explaining here -

R3 + L3 – Press these two buttons together while in-game to go back to the ROM browser menu.
TIP: You can use any USB controller you like and it will map the buttons on the fly – it is even possible to hotswap joysticks – remove one from the
USB port, replace it with another one – it should all work fine. even SNES-to-USB converters should work.

To play a game with a USB controller as Player 1, start up your PS3 and rather than using the Sixaxis/DualShock3, plug in an USB port before
connecting the controller to the PS3 – your USB pad should then become Controller 1.
This release corresponds with revision = 768cf9df52

Source code repository is here:


1 – Edit the Makefile and remove the following from PPU_CXX_FLAGS and PPU_CFLAGS:


3 – Do ‘make clean && make && make pkg’
* Please start reporting them on the google code bug tracker
* For people running this on HDTVs complaining about input lag:
- Turn off all post-processing filters you may have running – on Sony Bravia HDTVs, display Motion Flow (this also causes input lags
with most games in general, not just this SNES emu. If your HDTV has a ‘Game’ mode or something of the sort, select that as well.
* 100% everywhere, let me know otherwise.
- SRAM save
- State save
- Filters
- GameGenie
- See the entire snes9x-ps3 team.
Firmware 3.41:

Firmware <3.41:
*coming soon*

Sunday 24 October 2010

Open Manager v2.1E + Open Copy Install v1.1 Arrive

Open Manager v2.1E and Open Copy Install v1.1 arrived today. This is not to be mistaken with moh.sakhaii’s Open Manager, this is completely separate from that. These are authored by a member of Elotrolado’s forums. More information after the jump.

Update: v2.1F is now out

Download Open Manager v2.1E http://www.multiupload.com/P986Q807M7

Download Open Manager v2.1F http://www.multiupload.com/7PLXR7W4H7

Download Open Copy Install v1.1 http://www.multiupload.com/N5R6T7CKK7

Open Manger v2.1e Changelog

• Added various game configurations and settings are saved for each game

• Added an option to require the major version patch 3.41, before always activated by default, it is not necessary for all games, only for new, so it is best to take it out and select in the game required.

• Removed Start to start playing automatically, but now is a parameter that is saved per game, so you only have to select the game you work with this option, which will be saved for the next time you want to open, now checkered.

• Removed option to backup BR-DISC, since it is the same as the Copy.

• Added parameter to make games that require disc to work, now if you mark a game with this option, if you have no disc in the reader, will not let you open it, so that we avoid a crash the console, wanting release a game that requires hard when we have not inserted.

• Fixed patching of L1, so only run it when we launched the game, it was unnecessary to run only when you press L1, IVAM and then not release a game that required it, was still active patch memory.

• Show error messages when you want to mount a game that internal drive, when we activate an option in the payload is not implemented, or when we have inserted a disk and mark we want to play a game that requires it.

• Unified code to compile the original version without requiring OMAN01234 OMAN46756 or have two sources for each.

• Changed Combination of L1 R1 START START to change the path where to find games on the internal disk.
Open Copy Install v1.1 Changelog

• Added language: English / French (same as the OM, is now seeking BGx.png background files being x the number corresponding to the region)

• Now shows the version used Payload: Psgroove v1, Hermes v3 / 4, PL3.

• Now allows you to mount external disk installed game data, if we want to play games from the PSN passed to external disk.

PL3 Updated – MOH Now Running Without Need of Game Updates

JasonMckey has updated the PL3 payload with an important new feature. PL3 fixes the 80010019 error that MOH invokes (as well as other new games). MOH now works as intended, without any hacking and no need for the game update.

Add patch to remove the 80010019 error for games requiring 3.42 (MOH for example)

JasonMcKey (author)
about 3 hours ago
The fact that Medal of Honor is now working without the need of the game update, makes me think we were mislead by the news that 3.42 brought new EBOOT keys. Unless JasonMckey somehow dumped the keys and that is what he implemented (which seems highly unlikely). Instead it seems 80010019 is just an error that prevents version tampering with the PARAM.SFO by double checking a version in the EBOOT.BIN. However, please note this is just my speculation based on JasonMckey’s twitter post below.

Edit the param.sfo will change “Must Upgrade” to a 80010019, Patch to LV2 will let the title run, so long as no MOVE Games.
On another note, support for 3.41 Kiosk consoles was also recently added to PL3 by Mark Webber. Those of you with store/kiosk demo PS3 units can now join the jailbreaking party!

Add support for 3.41 Kiosk consoles

Mark Webber (author)
about 15 hours ago
Hex Downloads: http://www.multiupload.com/T9QKYOIKGI

Gameboy Color Emulator and NES Emulators WIP

Robo Hobo of PS3Hax has announced that he is working on a new Gameboy Color and NES emulator for the PS3.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?b2ez7z0kqztqrv0

I’ve been working on ports of the emulators, Nestopia and Gambatte. I’ve linked the source and binaries to this post in hopes that someone can help me fix the audio buffering. Neither emulator is really ready for general use. Nestopia has no saving or zip support, gambatte does on the otherhand. Vsync is disabled in both to prevent audio issues. They should support any resolution and look pretty much the same, though 50hz modes probably don’t work to well.

Please post any feedback, or audio fixes, so the emulators can be completed and full featured (hopefully soon).

Supports Game Boy Mono and game Boy Color
Supports zip
Press right stick to open menu, circle to exit menu
Opening menu causes sound problems
Press L3 + L1 to save state, L3 + R1 to load
All saves are placed in the game folder

No zip support
Not really ready for anything
Press right stick to exit
No saving or loading
Package uses same ‘icon’ as gambatte

VSync disabled to prevent sound issues
Sound buffer code sucks

Guide: How to Play Online Using a JailBroken PS3 with XLink Kai

Not too long ago jd200 posted a tutorial on How to Set Up Your PlayStation 3 for XLink Kai Online followed by DeViL303 starting a Forum topic where users can share their Xlink Kai IDs for PS3 JailBreak Online Gaming, and today Dukio.com (linked above) have made available a guide detailing how to play online using a JailBroken PS3 with XLink Kai.

Here is the scoop, to quote:

1. First, you must register an account with XLink at http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/signup.php. You don’t have to fill out all details, only * are important.

2. Then, download XLink Kai which is in http://www.teamxlink.co.uk/downloads.php/ and simply run the installer.

3. Here comes the difficult part, which is forwarding your port. It is quite different depending on the type of your router. By default, its usually goes at You must login and go into the port forwarding section. See how to port forward your router below:


4. Just set protocol to “both” (UDP & TCP) and the port from 30000 to 34522 then save and apply.

5. Now run the Xlink Kai Evolution VII program, if your are running Windows 7 right click -> properties -> run in Windows Xp SP2 and check run as administrator. (Click allow if there is any prompt window about firewall)

6. This time, it should open up a configuration page. Simply entering your username and password from the XLink account you have created before, also check application GUI if it is set into the web GUI. This is optional as it will have an easier navigation.

7. Click the green arrow to login (If your not already logged into XLink), power on your Jailbroken PS3 console and you should get a DNS Error on startup. You don’t have to worry about this as it is normal.

8. Finally, click on the magnify glass with the folder icon below the “?”. If it says “PS2/PS3 is configured successfully” , I must congratulate you as you are now connected to XLink and can host LAN parties.

Supported PS3 Games For This Method:

• Borderlands
• Call of Duty 4
• Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
• Call of Duty W@W
• Condemned 2
• F.E.A.R
• Haze
• OFP Dragon Rising
• Rainbow Six Vegas
• The Darkness
• TimeShift
• Unreal Tournament 3
• Armored Core 4
• Blazing Angels 2
• Blur
• DiRT
• DiRT 2
• F1 2010
• Formula 1 Championship
• H.A.W.X 2
• Dark Sector
• Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
• Kane & Lynch Dead Man
• Red Dead Redemption
• Red Fraction Guerrilla
• Saints Row 2
• Warhawk

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!
Guide: How to Play Online Using a JailBroken PS3 with XLink Kai

Guide: How to Play Online Using a JailBroken PS3 with XLink Kai

Monday 18 October 2010

PSGroove Hermes v4 Released *Updated*

Hermes bids farewell, Half-Baked-style — fuck the company that used his name in their product, and to the rest of you sceners, you’re cool — Hermes is out. That said here is Hermes v4 as a final parting gift. Package includes two hex files, one for Teensy (AT90USB162 at 16Mhz), and the other AT90USBKEY (AT90USB1287 at 8Mhz). Source is there too. You know the drill, other builds to follow.

Hermes v4 Features:

* New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary).
* Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details).
* Support for Homebrew in /apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on /dev_usb000/PS3_GAME.
* Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless /apps_home/PS3_GAME.

Update: My man optimusxcrime delivers the goods for the following:

* at90usbkey at90usb1287 8Mhz
* atavrxplain at90usb1287 8Mhz
* avropendous at90usb162 8Mhz
* blackcat usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* minimus avr usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* olimex avrusb at90usb162 8Mhz
* open kubus atmega16u4 8Mhz
* teensy++ 2.0 at90usb1286 16Mhz
* teensy 1.0 at90usb162 16Mhz
* teensy 2.0 atmega32u4 16Mhz

Update: More builds from ricardopvz and optimusxcrime:

* arduino duemilanove
* arduino mega
* maximus avr usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* teensy++ 1.0 at90usb646 16Mhz

Download: PSGroove Hermes v4

Best of luck, Hermes. Take care.

- source: elotrolado

Open Manager v1.17.1 Released

Another Backup Manager for your PS3 — moh.sakhaii’s Open Manager v1.17.1. At this point it is really whatever you prefer: Open Manager or Gaia Manager. Both fully support PL3 and syscall 35 now. Try both out and maybe you’ll find a reason to use one over the other. Feel free to leave your thoughts on each too.

Open Manager v1.17:

* Open manager has been built with the new SDK 3.40, Note that unlike some others that couldn’t figure out how to build it with the libftp, it now builds with 3.40 without any problem.
* PL3 is now fully supported and syscall35 is used although no compatibility is gained from this.
* Previous payloads are still supported (PSGroove > 1.1), open manager detects your current payload and acts accordingly, therefore patched mode is still available for older payloads.

Open Manager v1.17.1:

* Reverted back to using SDK 1.92. There was two reasons for this. First to make it compatible with older firmwares like 3.15 and second, there is no reason to update the SDK just yet.
* Mounting to app_home now works without problem.

Download: Open Manager v1.17.1

- source: psx-scene

CONFIRMED: 3.42 Games Now Working on Jailbreaked 3.41 Consoles

CONFIRMED: 3.42 Games Now Working on Jailbreaked 3.41 Consoles

The video shows real playing and the XMB with the install packages and the firmware version, just to show that’s true.

The method is:

* Have Hermes V4 version
* Edit PARAM.SFO to ask for the 3.41 firmware.
* Copy the eboot from UFC 2010
* Install OManager 2.1, that will patch the game.
* This patch makes tha data game install in the external hd instead of internal.

Load the game and install the 1.01 patch of the game from internet, and then the game will ask you to install the game data, that will be in the external if we’ve loaded the patch.

News is streaming in that Magunia07 over at Elotrolado  has managed to get Medal of Honor to run on a 3.41 console. His method may sound strange as it involves replacing the original Medal of Honor EBOOT.BIN with the EBOOT.BIN from UFC 2010. He then patched the PARAM.SFO’s version from 3.42 to 3.41. The final thing he did was install the 1.01 game update for Medal of Honor.

So why does this work? Well when there is a game patch/update installed, the PS3 completely ignores the original EBOOT.BIN and instead utilizes the one from the game update. So the UFC 2010 EBOOT is completely ignored. Technically you should be able to replace the MOH EBOOT.BIN with any other game’s EBOOT.BIN. You’re not stuck with just having to use UFC 2010′s EBOOT.BIN.

It appears the Medal of Honor patch/update EBOOT.BIN is encrypted with keys that are still on 3.41. Therefore, the game becomes runnable on 3.41. Below is video footage of the trick in action, and complete instructions from Magunia07.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

SNES9x PS3 Build 4.3.6 Released – Save States Added

The popular SNES9X emulator port on PS3 has been updated today by sqaurepusher of PSX-Scene. The major enhancement is the ability to perform a save state by pressing R3+R2. You can also load save states by pressing R3+L2. The full changelog for 4.3.6 is listed below.

Build 4.3.6 (11-10-2010) – rev. number 61ecb6e1c9:
* Savestates implemented (cmonkey69)
* Settings screen implemented (cmonkey69)
* Some performance improvements noticeable due to switch to more recent SDK – Jikkyou Oshaberi Parodius now has only a minor frame drop to 57fps on the character select screen but runs fine everywhere else (at 480p)
Download: http://www.multiupload.com/R1JX6URUKL

Monday 11 October 2010

Official Psgroove Payload Updated to Allow Retail PKG Installs

Mathieulh has updated the official psgroove payload to allow for retail PKG installing. Earlier today we reported about waninkoko‘s payload which accomplished the same thing. However, Mathieulh states that waninkoko‘s payload is the incorrect way to allow retail pkg installing. Mathieulh also states that issues may come up for certain pkg’s. Therefore, he has patched the payload correctly, giving us a more stable payload to install retail pkg and updated the official psgroove github. More after the jump.

The following comes from Mathieulh’s twitter.

Retail package support was just added to psgroove git (the patch isn’t the same as waninkoko’s hermes v3)

forcing r11 to 1 like waninkoko did does work but it is not the solution and might bring issues with specific package types.

The right patch to be done is to put a nop at the beginning of the debug algo decryption which checks for the model flag to be 1

Also waninkoko left the original psjailbreak patch which was not proper either:

ROM:0002ED00 lhz %r9, arg_7A(%sp) ROM:0002ED04 xori %r9, %r9, 0×80 ROM:0002ED08 addi %r9, %r9, -1 ROM:0002ED0C rldicl %r29, %r9, 1,63 ROM:0002ED10 b loc_2ED20

they force r29 to 1 which does indeed let you install debug packages but breaks the retail package install because the code will stop at the debug check if r29 is set to 1. The right way is to actually kill that check.
That’s what’s been done by doing a nop to the conditional branch.

Lachrymose BreakOutX 0.2 Released

A version of the classic breakout game, called BreakOutX 0.2, has been released by Lachrymose. The game has 5 levels, various difficulty levels, and ball physics. He has included his source for other budding developers to take a peak at.

Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?zi92iuk79rk517y

Sunday 10 October 2010

Flex Manager v1.0.1 Released

We are seeing many managers hit the scene, but this one in particular has caught our eye. Here comes Flex Manager from the folks at Elotrolado.net, courtesy of khaosjimena0o_shelak_o0Cuberata, Charlo, dogie721, and Jurai2.  Flex Manager is very similar to the Netflix GUI but shows games cover art instead of movies. Attached is the PKG and 200+ covers. More after the jump.

Download: http://www.4shared.com/file/qxSzYv3w/FlexManagerv101-Covers-V1_2_.html

Flex Manager v1.0.1 Features:
  • It installs just like Open Manager (in OMAN46756).
  • The covers (size: 348×400) are stored in: / dev_hdd0 / game / OMAN46756 / covers / BLESxxxx.PNG (it’s important that the extension is in capital letters).
  • If you have Open Manager installed, this overwrites it keeping your backed up games intact.

Saturday 9 October 2010

I'm Moving !!!!!






Blackb0x FTP Server 1.2 Released

blackb0x is at it again. This time releasing an update to their popular FTP Server, version 1.2. The latest version promises more stability with the Filezilla client, which should be music to some users ears.

Download: http://www.multiupload.com/SCN13MNJG0

Flex Manager v1.0.1 Released

I’m not sure who wrote (or modified) this build of Open Manager, it’s either dogie721 or Iverson88, I think; however, I do know this, Flex Manager comes from Jurai2′s work on Cover Manager. Now I just finished giving Flex Manager (FM) a test run and man oh man it’s slick, it’s real slick. FM’s GUI is similar to the NetFlix interface but with games instead of movies.
Flex Manager Screenshot Flex Manager Screenshot

Flex Manager v1.0.1 Features:
  • It installs just like Open Manager (in OMAN46756).
  • The covers (size: 348×400) are stored in: / dev_hdd0 / game / OMAN46756 / covers / BLESxxxx.PNG (it’s important that the extension is in capital letters).
  • If you have Open Manager installed, this overwrites it keeping your backed up games intact.
Visit the source link for PS3 game covers. There are different packs with various covers. Or use Google image search for your specific game(s).
Download: Flex Manager v1.0.1 (includes support for Hermes v3)
- source: elotrolado

Friday 8 October 2010

PS3 Media Server v1.20 Released

The best combo: a PS3, hacked or not, Binverse (Usenet access), and a PC loaded with PS3 Media Server. Add really fast Internet to the mix and I’m talking cancel your TV subscription. Best of all a new version of shagrath’s PS3 Media Server is now available. So if you have a PS3 and a shit-tonne of media located elsewhere, like your PC, then you best equip that PC with this — you just need Java. Windows, Linux and Mac versions available.
PS3 Media Server Mac OS X Screenshot PS3 Media Server Linux Screenshot PS3 Media Server Windows Screenshot
Find the version of PS3 Media Server for you, download it, install it, and configure it. That’s all pretty straightforward. Once you’ve done that, start it up and you should see PS3 Media Server on your XMB. Now browse and play all your media — wired or wirelessly from your PC.
Note: Mac version is tagged unstable right now. Check back at the download source for updates when they happen.
Download: PS3 Media Server v1.20 | v1.20 Changes
A shout-out to BLuFeNiX for the tip.

Open Manager Tool v1.0 – Released

This is an interesting tool, which should make life a lot easier.  This utility made by an anonymous developer is used to verify the integrity of a backup PS3 game and provide the compatibility information regarding jailbreaking. For example, the app makes it easier to know if a game should be split to work on external hard drives. This information is stored in a file in the root of the game (OMT.PRO).  When you scan one of your games, the app checks for any files larger than 4gb and gives you the option to split them. It also provides other basic information about your backups. Find the installer and source in the download below.

http://psgroove.com/wp-content/plugins/downloads-manager/img/icons/default.gif download: Open Manager Tool 1.0 (5.46MB)
added: 08/10/2010
clicks: 220
description: Open Manager Tool 1.0

Sexy Manager – Another Manager on Steroids Released

Jurai, the developer known for Pretty Mananger has decided to release yet another version named Sexy Manager. He released his Sexy Mananger at the Spain scene website Elotrolado.net and unfortunately his thread was closed by a moderator because Jurai failed to release his source. We can safely say, The Fight of the Managers has started. These next few weeks and months we should be seeing some pretty good managers. BTW, it has a weird looking icon, but its definitely a great manager.

Download: http://www.multiupload.com/CSI92LVJ7S
- fixed the page jumps on left/right, were set incorrectly
- initial release

PS JailBreak Soon to Support All PS3 Firmware, BM 1.1 Incoming

Previously it was reported that PSGroove improvements would soon allow it to support all PS3 Firmware versions, and today the official PS JailBreak site reports that they also plan to support all PS3 Firmware versions and that PS3 Backup Manager v1.1 is destined to arrive shortly after October 20th and include some new features.

To quote: "We have now shipped all our loyal dealers and we assure you, the wait has been worthwhile. We apologize for the delay of the support we promised, but it is indeed coming.

We will officially be releasing our support for new firmwares by October 20th, and Backup Manager v1.1 a few days after. It will have all the features that clone makers have been providing, along with some new ones that will blow you all away.

As mentioned in previous news updates, we are still receiving large amounts of mail about our high price compared to our competition, so we will reiterate. Clones are low quality, have high defect rates and will only work on firmware 3.41.

So for all you dealers out there, why buy a product that limits your market? Ours allows you to distribute to all end users and provides your clients with more options."

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!

PS JailBreak Soon to Support All PS3 Firmware, BM 1.1 Incoming

Thursday 7 October 2010

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Previously it was reported that F1 2010 was the first game to require PS3 Firmware 3.42, however, today lineX7 has confirmed that Medal of Honor requires 3.42 while Files has released Open Manager Tool 1.0.

Download: Open Manager Tool 1.0 / Open Manager Tool 1.0 SRC

To quote from PSGroove.com (linked above): "The game is set for a North American release date of 10/12/2010, but it seems some people have received early copies. The game in its current form is unplayable on 3.41.

If you decline to update the game sends you back to the XMB. However, a simple patch of the version string in the game’s PARAM.SFO should restore playability. However, time will tell."

Next up, Files stated the following on his release: "I made a program for Open Manager just for my use, but i decided later to share it with your community, hoping that someone can help me.

It is called Open Manager Tool. I think it works well, and for now it only add some feature more than the others "splitting programs".

The program check the integrity of the directories and the fat32 file compatibility, and add for every Game a so called "OMT.PRO" file.

That file contains all necessary data to autorun programs with specific options, such as controller patch or internal external hd installation compatibility.

The structure is:

#Open Manager Tools properties - GameID: BLUS30175
CMTHello Batman!

HDD0 says it is not compatible with internal HD and HDD1 that it's compatible.
USB0 same as internal but for fat32 external
SC20 says if controller patch syscall_2 is to be set or not
BDR0 if an original BDrom must be putted or not into drive.
OMV1.1.2 says that this game has been tested with this version of OpenManager
ODV1.1 says that the game has been tested with that version of PSGroove dongle.
CMT is for user comments

I made the structure easy, because I need help from someone to port this option files into Open Manager!!! I cannot do by myself for time reasons, and for office reasons (I cannot have a testing PS3 here)

The Open Manager modified has to, for example, look into these options and show to the user: the comments, the warnings if running internal compatible program from external drive (or disable these games), or running games without original bdrom inserted.

Could also check for compatibility version of the Dongle and the Manager. The program has, also, some interesting features to manage these files, such us import/merge function and so on.

So, I'm also searching for proud guys that can fill out all the data, it's very important for all the community to share these settings! I will continue to maintain the program by myself, as Open Manager evolves, but I will also appreciate help by other coders.

As soon as possible I will upload the sources for that projects. They are compilable under Linux, Mac and Windows.

The entire project is compatible with "Qt SDK by Nokia Opensource". If someone can compile the application under Linux or MacOs, will be very appreciated! Please report bugs and remember to choose the root directory containing all game folders!"


Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Wednesday 6 October 2010

PS3 Reference Tool (DECR-1000A) Hits eBay!

An ebay member by the name webjeff2003 has listed for sale a PS3 DECR-1000A Reference Tool. For those that are unfamiliar with a Reference Tool, it is special PS3 hardware used by official game developers to develop and debug their games. It’s basically at the top of the food chain when it comes to PS3 development hardware. Allowing even more access than even PS3 Test/Debug units. Reference Tools are extremely rare to come by, the last one to pop up on eBay was almost 2 years ago. They also don’t come cheap, the starting bid for this one is set at $5100! You can check out the auction for yourselves over at http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300476878152

Video: Custom PS3 Slim - Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Mod

Video: Custom PS3 Slim - Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Mod

Video: Custom PS3 Slim - Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Mod

Video: Custom PS3 Slim - Call of Duty: Black Ops Edition Mod

Pretty Manager R3 – Open Manager on Steroids

Looks like we got a new mananger to play with. Jurai gives us his popular mananger based of Open Mananger…..called Pretty Mananger R3. This manager is essentially the same as our beloved Open Manager, however it has a “pretty” GUI and has a few different features. You gotta test it out to understand. It has a few more options on the screen and seems to be a bit more organized then Open Mananger. A complete list of features after the jump

Here’s what it has:
- Loads PIC1.PNG out of the game directory to display in full resolution as the background. Images are cached into /dev_hdd0/game/OMAN46756/cache/ by TitleID in order to speed up browsing of backups on USB devices

- Homebrew mode now displays the current IP address in the bottom left corner

- Multi-language support. Language is determined at runtime based on the current system setting. At the moment the application supports English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Swedish, more to be added hopefully soon

- Displays free space below the available storage devices

- Built in FTP now has access to the full filesystem instead of being trapped in the /OMAN46756/ directory

- Cleanly exits to XMB by watching for CELL_SYSUTIL_REQUEST_EXITGAME

- Includes an option at selection which allows you to launch directly into the selected title (may not work with all backups)

Hermes patch support (R3 to toggle, may introduce problems)

- Scroll by pages using left/right

- Rapidly scroll using L2 and R2

- Custom boot sound at application startup can be installed to /OMAN46756/USRDIR/BOOT.AT3

- PS3 update files are now skipped when backing up from a bluray disc (saves space)
Special thanks to Hermes, deanrk, liomajor, and other users who helped debug issues and provided translations.

Download: http://www.multiupload.com/P2XJZWTV2V

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Open Manager v1.15 Released

Another quick update from moh.sakhaii — Open Manager v1.15. You’ll want to make use of this version if you’re now running Hermes v3. Otherwise stick to Open Manager 1.14.2. Why? Patched mode has been removed as it is no longer necessary with Hermes v3 in the picture.
Open Manager v1.15:
  • Removed “patch mode” as it is no longer needed with Hermes v3.
Download: Open Manager v1.15

Hermes Custom Payload v3 Released

A new custom payload for PSGroove has been released by none other than Hermes. Call it Hermes v3 and it essentially improves the overall hack from file/directory redirection to running homebrew from /apps_home/PS3_GAME (similar to /dev_usb000/PS3_GAME). Basically a lot of technical stuff you may not understand or may not care to understand. Just know v3 is better this time ’round.
Included are hex files for Teensy AT90USB162 (16MHz) and USBKEY AT90USB1287 (8MHz). Expect others to follow.
Hermes v3 Features:
  • New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary)
  • Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details)
  • Support for Homebrew in / apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on / dev_usb000/PS3_GAME
  • Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless / apps_home/PS3_GAME
Download: PSGroove with Hermes v3 Payload
- source: elotrolado
Hermes' v3 (PSGroove payload) adds better support for directory/file redirection (emulating discs, etc.) and supports loading homebrew under /apps_home/PS3_GAME. Included are hex files for:
  • Teensy AT90USB162 (16MHz)
  • USBKEY AT90USB1287 (8MHz)

UKIE Welcomes Sony's Action Against PS3 JailBreak ModChips

Over the weekend more legal documents surfaced as part of an ongoing effort to extinguish the PS3 JailBreak, and today Examiner.com reports that video games and interactive entertainment trade body UKIE welcomes Sony's swift action against PS3 JailBreak modchips.

To quote: SCEE reacted quickly to its becoming available, writing to the companies that advertised and stocked the Break device and advising them to desist in selling the illegal product.

Most companies that were contacted complied immediately and ceased to stock and to sell the product. Court orders were swiftly obtained against those companies that continued to sell the product and they have now also stopped selling the PS3 Break modchips.

UKIE’s Director General, Michael Rawlinson, said, “Having our member, SCEE, respond so quickly to prevent the sale of illegal PS3 modification chips shows the commitment that the video games and interactive entertainment industry has to stamping out intellectual property theft.

Intellectual property theft is a hugely damaging crime both to the individuals whose creativity is stolen and to the businesses that make up Britain’s video games and interactive entertainment industry.

UKIE’s own anti-piracy unit works tirelessly to combat the illegal trading of video games and we welcome Sony’s swift and committed response to dealing with the illegal sale of the PS3 Break modchip.”

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!


UKIE Welcomes Sony's Action Against PS3 JailBreak ModChips

Busy Busy Busy ..................

 Welcome SpeedyGreen
As i have hit the 1000 mark of peeps for this info blog i have a new member of staff to help me.

SpeedyGreen / He will help with all the reporting and anything i miss (as i miss a lot sometimes lol)

SmallLoader and XMBoot - Create PS3 XMB QuickBoot Containers

Today TheTool of French site GX-Mod.com (linked above) and Jurai2 have released SmallLoader and XMBoot respectively, which allow users to create PS3 XMB QuickBoot containers that boot directly into your backup or mount them to the PS3 XMB if the game doesn't support direct booting.

Download: SmallLoader v0.2 / XMBoot v1.0

To quote, roughly translated, on SmallLoader: "TheTool offers a loader used shortcuts in the XMB to rip up a game in the drive without going through virtual BR open the backup manager or manager.


• Edit file game.ini located in the folder PS3_GAME/USRDIR:
• In the path variable, specify the path of your games (Ex: path = / dev_usb000/gamez/BLES12345). You can also delete the line path, smallLoader use the GAME folder which is in USRDIR (just copy your games in that folder).
• In variable autolaunch, enter 1 if you want smallLoader start the game automatically switches to "No AB" and 0 if you want to go back to XMB after the game is installed.
• In the folder PS3_GAME, copy the file ICON0.PNG, PIC1.PNG .....
• Using PS3SFOEdit , edit the file located in PARAM.SFO PS3_GAME
• In "Basic Setting", change the value by that title id you want
• In alt-(default) specify the name of your game
• Click on save and overwrite the old file PARAM.SFO
• Open the file has smallloader.conf using notepad for example.
• In line Product_ID, replace BLES12345 by title id values you have filled in the file PARAM.SFO
• You can save and close this file.
• Now you can generate the PKG file using the command "make_package_npdrm smallloader.conf PS3_GAME /" (without the quotes and the command prompt windows).

Uploaded by shakkin. - Watch game reviews, trailers, and walkthrough videos.

v0.2 changelog:

• Added fix for the problem of controller.. to enable or disable it, change the line 'fix =' in file game.ini (untested, with no games involved in this problem)
• Added a function to restore the normal functioning of BR player, just run the shortcut by pressing the button [].

Note: Sources are also included in the archive.

Finally, from the XMBoot ReadMe file, to quote:

XMBoot is a stripped down backup app which will allow you to create the equivalent of a 360 QuickBoot container. This allows you to create a custom entry on your XMB with the original audio/video from your backup with which you can either boot DIRECTLY into your game (if supported), or mount it for launching via XMB.

To load the original XMB video/icon/sound/etc you will need to copy that content out of the /PS3_GAME/ directory of your backup and place it in the subdir of this package prior to compiling.

NOTE: If using the backups original .SFO file you will need to edit it to report itself as HG (Harddisk Game) rather than DG (Disc Game).

If not using the original SFO from a backup, be sure to edit the included SFO to specify your game title.

Also be sure to edit the package.conf and SFO so that your new package has a unique Title ID.

You will need to set three options in the main.ccp file prior to compiling your package:

game_path is the path to the backup you wish to use

ex: /dev_usb000/GAMEZ/BLUS-12345/

The app does NOT scan for usb device #'s, so you will have to hardcode it to the usb slot you use. direct_boot is the option to attempt launching the EBOOT without booting back into XMB. Does not work with all games, but will let you direct boot games on which it does! use_hermes is an option to apply the Hermes F1/SFIV/etc fix at runtime, doesn't work with every game.

Because these options are stored in main.cpp you MUST recompile in order to change your container setup. These options 'could' be moved to be stored in the SFO file instead, which would allow you to simply edit the SFO instead, bypassing any need for an SDK setup.

Greetings to PS3News. Do not support piracy, purchase the games you love. Winners don't use drugs.


Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!

SmallLoader and XMBoot - Create PS3 XMB QuickBoot Containers