
Friday 1 October 2010

Open Source “Open Manager 1.13″ – Released

It looks like there’s a new version of Open Manager hitting the scene. moh.sakhaii has just released an update for the OpenSource manager, originally developed by a member of the Elotrolado forum. Now we have Open Manager v1.13. It’s been confirmed that this now works correctly with F1 2010 and Eye-Pet, among others, which are listed below. The following games are now properly working:

1 – Street Fighter 4
2 – Super Street Fighter 4
3 – Eye Pet (Move game)
4 – F1 2010
5 – NBA 2K11
6 – White Album (a Japanese visual novel/game)
7 – Racket Sports (Move game)
Download Link: http://rapidshare.com/files/422538196/Open-Manager-V1.13.rar

Complete list of changes after the jump…


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