
Monday 18 October 2010

PSGroove Hermes v4 Released *Updated*

Hermes bids farewell, Half-Baked-style — fuck the company that used his name in their product, and to the rest of you sceners, you’re cool — Hermes is out. That said here is Hermes v4 as a final parting gift. Package includes two hex files, one for Teensy (AT90USB162 at 16Mhz), and the other AT90USBKEY (AT90USB1287 at 8Mhz). Source is there too. You know the drill, other builds to follow.

Hermes v4 Features:

* New Address 0x80000000007ff000 end of the payload at the end of the Kernel in order to add the extra code needed (the code is relocatable, if necessary).
* Added support syscall 8 with Stealth and other kernel functions such as copy, allocate memory, perform routine, add path table (for replacement / redirection of files and directories), etc. (see syscall8.h for details).
* Support for Homebrew in /apps_home/PS3_GAME similar to a flash drive or connected on /dev_usb000/PS3_GAME.
* Syscall redirection 36 games to run diskless /apps_home/PS3_GAME.

Update: My man optimusxcrime delivers the goods for the following:

* at90usbkey at90usb1287 8Mhz
* atavrxplain at90usb1287 8Mhz
* avropendous at90usb162 8Mhz
* blackcat usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* minimus avr usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* olimex avrusb at90usb162 8Mhz
* open kubus atmega16u4 8Mhz
* teensy++ 2.0 at90usb1286 16Mhz
* teensy 1.0 at90usb162 16Mhz
* teensy 2.0 atmega32u4 16Mhz

Update: More builds from ricardopvz and optimusxcrime:

* arduino duemilanove
* arduino mega
* maximus avr usb at90usb162 16Mhz
* teensy++ 1.0 at90usb646 16Mhz

Download: PSGroove Hermes v4

Best of luck, Hermes. Take care.

- source: elotrolado

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