
Monday 4 October 2010

Jurai2 Open Manager Mods for PS3 Updates Available!

This will serve as a dedicated thread for updates on my Jurai2 Open Manager Mods for PS3, which are modified versions of Open Manager.

Download: Open Manager Jurai Mod - Oct3 344pm build

Changes include the following:

• Loads PIC1.PNG out of the game directory to display in full resolution as the background. Images are cached into /dev_hdd0/game/OMAN46756/cache/ by TitleID in order to speed up browsing of backups on USB devices
• Homebrew mode now displays the current IP address in the bottom left corner
• Multi-language support. Language is determined at runtime based on the current system setting. At the moment the application supports English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German, and Swedish, more to be added hopefully soon
• Displays free space below the available storage devices
• Built in FTP now has access to the full filesystem instead of being trapped in the /OMAN46756/ directory
• Cleanly exits to XMB by watching for CELL_SYSUTIL_REQUEST_EXITGAME
• Includes an option at selection which allows you to launch directly into the selected title (may not work with all backups)
• Hermes patch support (R3 to toggle, may introduce problems)
• Scroll by pages using left/right
• Rapidly scroll using L2 and R2
• Custom boot sound at application startup can be installed to /OMAN46756/USRDIR/BOOT.AT3
• PS3 update files are now skipped when backing up from a bluray disc (saves space)

Special thanks to Hermes, deanrk, liomajor, and other users who helped debug issues and provided translations.

Stay tuned for more PS3 Hacks news. Also be sure to drop by the PS3 Hacks Forum for updates!


Jurai2 Open Manager Mods for PS3 Updates Available!

Jurai2 Open Manager Mods for PS3 Updates Available!

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