
Thursday 7 October 2010

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Previously it was reported that F1 2010 was the first game to require PS3 Firmware 3.42, however, today lineX7 has confirmed that Medal of Honor requires 3.42 while Files has released Open Manager Tool 1.0.

Download: Open Manager Tool 1.0 / Open Manager Tool 1.0 SRC

To quote from PSGroove.com (linked above): "The game is set for a North American release date of 10/12/2010, but it seems some people have received early copies. The game in its current form is unplayable on 3.41.

If you decline to update the game sends you back to the XMB. However, a simple patch of the version string in the game’s PARAM.SFO should restore playability. However, time will tell."

Next up, Files stated the following on his release: "I made a program for Open Manager just for my use, but i decided later to share it with your community, hoping that someone can help me.

It is called Open Manager Tool. I think it works well, and for now it only add some feature more than the others "splitting programs".

The program check the integrity of the directories and the fat32 file compatibility, and add for every Game a so called "OMT.PRO" file.

That file contains all necessary data to autorun programs with specific options, such as controller patch or internal external hd installation compatibility.

The structure is:

#Open Manager Tools properties - GameID: BLUS30175
CMTHello Batman!

HDD0 says it is not compatible with internal HD and HDD1 that it's compatible.
USB0 same as internal but for fat32 external
SC20 says if controller patch syscall_2 is to be set or not
BDR0 if an original BDrom must be putted or not into drive.
OMV1.1.2 says that this game has been tested with this version of OpenManager
ODV1.1 says that the game has been tested with that version of PSGroove dongle.
CMT is for user comments

I made the structure easy, because I need help from someone to port this option files into Open Manager!!! I cannot do by myself for time reasons, and for office reasons (I cannot have a testing PS3 here)

The Open Manager modified has to, for example, look into these options and show to the user: the comments, the warnings if running internal compatible program from external drive (or disable these games), or running games without original bdrom inserted.

Could also check for compatibility version of the Dongle and the Manager. The program has, also, some interesting features to manage these files, such us import/merge function and so on.

So, I'm also searching for proud guys that can fill out all the data, it's very important for all the community to share these settings! I will continue to maintain the program by myself, as Open Manager evolves, but I will also appreciate help by other coders.

As soon as possible I will upload the sources for that projects. They are compilable under Linux, Mac and Windows.

The entire project is compatible with "Qt SDK by Nokia Opensource". If someone can compile the application under Linux or MacOs, will be very appreciated! Please report bugs and remember to choose the root directory containing all game folders!"


Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

Medal Of Honor PS3 Requires 3.42, Open Manager Tool Arrives

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