
Friday 1 October 2010

Customize the PS3 XMB Fonts

Straight to the point: Switch up those generic PS3 fonts with something more to your liking. It’s real easy, if your PS3 is hacked…
Customized PS3 XMB Fonts

  1. Find a TTF font you like and make two copies of it named:
    1. SCE-PS3-SR-R-LATIN, and
    2. SCE-PS3-SR-R-LATIN2
  2. Place those two font files in /dev_flash/data/font overwriting the original fonts.
    Note: you may want to consider creating a backup first.
  3. Go to Theme Settings in the XMB and change the font to “rounded” or “pop.”
  4. Enjoy the new XMB fonts.
Another note: Because modifying files in flash may potentially be dangerous, I reckon it’s a better idea to run JaicraB’s USB Firm Loader. Copy “dev_flash” to a USB stick and make your modifications there.
Two useful tools to make this happen:
USB Firm Loader v0.3 & PS3 FTP Server v1.0b
Thanks, Kaede!
- source: Kaede @ nyleveia

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