
Friday 8 October 2010

PS3 Media Server v1.20 Released

The best combo: a PS3, hacked or not, Binverse (Usenet access), and a PC loaded with PS3 Media Server. Add really fast Internet to the mix and I’m talking cancel your TV subscription. Best of all a new version of shagrath’s PS3 Media Server is now available. So if you have a PS3 and a shit-tonne of media located elsewhere, like your PC, then you best equip that PC with this — you just need Java. Windows, Linux and Mac versions available.
PS3 Media Server Mac OS X Screenshot PS3 Media Server Linux Screenshot PS3 Media Server Windows Screenshot
Find the version of PS3 Media Server for you, download it, install it, and configure it. That’s all pretty straightforward. Once you’ve done that, start it up and you should see PS3 Media Server on your XMB. Now browse and play all your media — wired or wirelessly from your PC.
Note: Mac version is tagged unstable right now. Check back at the download source for updates when they happen.
Download: PS3 Media Server v1.20 | v1.20 Changes
A shout-out to BLuFeNiX for the tip.

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